Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Lancelin Ocean Classic Course Deets!

Created by LancelinClassic > 9 months ago, 12 Dec 2014
WA, 19 posts
12 Dec 2014 10:50PM
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The course for the 30th Ledge Point to Lancelin 25km windsurf & kite surf race!

From Thursday 15 - Sunday 18 January 2015, there is loads happening (don't forget your 1980's shirt for the party!).

Check out the full schedule at or join one of the event groups at

If you haven't registered to participate in this huge anniversary race weekend, head to and don't miss out!

The marathon race for windsurfers on Saturday 17 Jan, will start between 12 and 3pm (wind pending). The marathon race for kitesurfers on Sunday 18 Jan, will also start between 12 and 3pm (wind pending).

With fewer boats (acting as markers) available on Sunday - the course will differ between wind and kite surfers. Get your equipment ready!!

37 posts
13 Dec 2014 2:07AM
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The kitesurfing course is pathetic-too downwind! The kite surfers would like the same course as windsurfers. Why is the kite race an afterthought? Last 2years courses were terrible, could not see any marks! If there is a kite race please don't skimp on cray-boats as marks or else just cancel the kites!!

37 posts
13 Dec 2014 2:12AM
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"The course will differ" meaning we can't be bothered to utilise appropriate marks so we don't have any!
Do you think dunker beck or other top windsurfers would be happy with the kite course - NO WAY. Same course or NO RACE. Refund please.

WA, 3271 posts
13 Dec 2014 10:19AM
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Airman if you can rummage up another 4 big cray boats to use as markers I'm sure the organisers would appreciate the help. The cray boat skippers still have to run a business and it's purely voluntary, organisers don't have much cash to throw around to run the event. And don't forget kites are being invited into a windsurfing event, the organisers are doing their best.

WA, 641 posts
13 Dec 2014 12:16PM
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Why is there a separate course anyway? and please don't give me this rubbish that it is "unsafe" to run kites on the same course. there are loads of big events happening all over the world now with huge mixed fleets that go off with out a hitch. We have even just had some here in WA.

Im going to put it out there that the windsurfers are just being pussys and are too scared to race the kites cos they know the kites will make them look bad

WA, 3271 posts
13 Dec 2014 2:34PM
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Last time I looked the committee was mostly local business owners, not wind surfers

Safety is the biggest concern, if it takes them a little longer to ramp it up and fully integrate it with the poley events then so be it. Again, if anyone has first hand experience in running big mixed fleet events and are willing to volunteer their time I'm sure they would appreciate the help.

37 posts
15 Dec 2014 12:11AM
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Well said Chris. We recently competed in king of Carnac with multi class fleet WSers, kites & cats - was awesome event. No safety issues at all. Why can't kitesurfers race wind surfers all on Sat? Much cheaper for organisers. If they use similar course like last years ( had to tack going downwind) I will get a petition from PKR to withdraw their members. Won't be much of a race on Sunday!

WA, 217 posts
15 Dec 2014 9:24AM
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Its another event on the calendar, a great location, and the organiser are doing all they can to put on the best course possible.
The event is open to all kiters, so extra safety does need to be considered.
Event may start early as 1 or as late as 3, so boats need to be on marks from 12, and stay till; every single kiters is accounted for before they are allowed to clear the course, typically 4-5pm. The issue is getting the same volunteers to sit on the same boats for from 12 till 5 for 2 straight days.
We do pay a our hard earn money to attend events, but from our own experience, there is never enough money in the event budget to pay for boats, fuel or volunteers time. King of Carnac we had 30 volunteers and 8 boats volunteered to allow the event to take place.

The event is evolving and there are some big changes planned for next year. Lets hang in there this year :)

If anybody is up for volunteering their boats and time, send the LOC team a message.

WA, 2940 posts
15 Dec 2014 9:59AM
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Airman1 said..
Well said Chris. We recently competed in king of Carnac with multi class fleet WSers, kites & cats - was awesome event. No safety issues at all. Why can't kitesurfers race wind surfers all on Sat? Much cheaper for organisers. If they use similar course like last years ( had to tack going downwind) I will get a petition from PKR to withdraw their members. Won't be much of a race on Sunday!

i have nfi who you are but please don't act like you are talking on behalf of all PKR members . while the course is not ideal i will still be racing on the weekend .

Downwind course or not .

WA, 1399 posts
15 Dec 2014 10:18AM
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Airman1 said..
Well said Chris. We recently competed in king of Carnac with multi class fleet WSers, kites & cats - was awesome event. No safety issues at all. Why can't kitesurfers race wind surfers all on Sat? Much cheaper for organisers. If they use similar course like last years ( had to tack going downwind) I will get a petition from PKR to withdraw their members. Won't be much of a race on Sunday!

WA, 1103 posts
15 Dec 2014 12:55PM
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Airman1 said..
Well said Chris. We recently competed in king of Carnac with multi class fleet WSers, kites & cats - was awesome event. No safety issues at all. Why can't kitesurfers race wind surfers all on Sat? Much cheaper for organisers. If they use similar course like last years ( had to tack going downwind) I will get a petition from PKR to withdraw their members. Won't be much of a race on Sunday!

Yes, many of us can see that the course isn't perfect but you have several options here Airman;

1) if the course isn't up to your exacting standards, don't participate.
2) step up & volunteer to help out with the course/event;

Might not be a perfect course, but the other options also include kiters not being invited to participate.



Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Lancelin Ocean Classic Course Deets!" started by LancelinClassic