Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

MASSIVE 3-DAY SALE!!! Have you heard about it?

Created by choicey > 9 months ago, 18 Mar 2009
QLD, 280 posts
18 Mar 2009 6:10PM
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To my Kite-addicted friends... We've all felt it. Adrenaline, water, wind, tension, air, power, good vibrations... just you, your kite, your wind. it loves you. it hates you...yep it's emotional. No matter what kiting is for you; whether it be to simmer down or to sizzle up, to find time somewhat alone, to take on more challenge or to simply learn a new experience, we all feel it and it is.... the ooold M-A-R-C-H blues that summer is coming to an end and (sniff) the sea breezes are starting to ebb with the tide. BUT! There is hope amongst these emotions when the end of season 3-DAY SALE hits Choice Kitesurfing, Hamilton Hill! At the 3-DAY SALE you'll have the opportunity to replenish your kiting gear afford ably after a hard summer splash and get ready for the frontal wave riding conditions of Autumn and Winter. FIND 2009 GEAR FOR 2008 PRICES!

The 3-DAY SALE begins Thursday 2nd April and ends on Saturday 4th April. YOU COULD WIN TICKETS TO THE EAST COAST! We're open late on Thursday night 10am until 7pm and serving PIZZA! Friday we are open 10am - 5pm and Saturday 10am - 2pm. On Saturday we're hosting a BBQ lunch and a JUMPING CASTLE FOR THE KIDS!

We've also thrown an exciting left hander and that is you could WIN 2 RETURN FLIGHTS TO THE EAST COAST! Buy anything in store during the 3-DAY SALE and you could WIN! Prize is drawn on Saturday 4th at 2pm and the winner MUST be present.

We're setting up packages to suit beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. We've stocked up on ROCKSTAR kite-surfboards, HOT mutants and BLOW YOUR MIND wave-riding kites. You'll find 2009 products for 2008 prices.

great deals, good aussie BBQ, holidays, lets face it, we all like jumping castles

who's in?

ka ki te mal
WA, 6 posts
18 Mar 2009 5:47PM
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yeah mate im keen does this mean i wont have too cook for three nites ....... cheers bro mate il be there,can i bring a box of beers, is there gona be live music as i love to party.....lots a laughs....cheers my bro!!!


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"MASSIVE 3-DAY SALE!!! Have you heard about it?" started by choicey