Anyone a Point Walter expert? Does it work in the forecasted SE? Is it worth going to Point Walter tomorrow morning?
It's been about 18 years since kiting Point Walter for me. I know it works in an Easterly but just wondering if it works in a SE?
Thanks for any guidance
SE winds in Perth are the gustiest and least reliable. I would avoid Point Walter on a SE wind as Joe mentioned above, Pelican point would work best, just expect a solid 10 knot variation in the wind speed!
More info about the spot in our location guide:
Anyone a Point Walter expert? Does it work in the forecasted SE? Is it worth going to Point Walter tomorrow morning?
It's been about 18 years since kiting Point Walter for me. I know it works in an Easterly but just wondering if it works in a SE?
Thanks for any guidance
Point Walter will crank this morning yesterday was awesome too...