Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Proposed Changes to Cottesloe Kite Area -

Created by AussieDave > 9 months ago, 6 Feb 2016
WA, 68 posts
6 Feb 2016 8:03PM
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I can't find the thread that I was reading about 2 weeks ago regarding discussions on the proposed amendments to restricting kite setup & launch to only Between Rosendo & Princess St in Cottesloe, so if anyone finds it please send me the link or continue the discussion below.

WAKSA: Will you go in to bat for us regarding keeping the current kite zone open at Deane St or do we have to individually email the council. We have until 7 March for comment.

If we lose the Deane St area we lose the carpark, showers but most importantly the width of that beach area to launch/land & setup. This is particularly important when your self launching/landing. The Rosdeno to Princess st stretch is too narrow to setup and poses more safety risks than Deane St. The council says it wants the beaches safer but safer for who? When its a 20kt + onshore I dont see many swimmers out there.

Anyway, my 2c. Please help to keep as many areas open to us as we can before other councils get in on the idea.

WA, 9 posts
7 Feb 2016 2:05AM
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I've lived and kited at Phoneboxes/Deane St for the last 6 years. In that time I've seen a couple of serious accidents and one death. Not to mention the many kites draped over the footpath in the way of pedestrians. WAKSA has had a gentlemans agreement with the Council dating back to 2005 encouraging people to launch/land to the south because of these reasons. It's not a big deal, locals who have lived there for a while respect the potential that not necessarily their kites are going to be the ones being a potential risk but someone new who doesn't understand the local conditions or is just down right unlucky can quickly become a statistic and we all suffer with access.

The launching/landing at Deane St is too close to the footpath and road. It may not be you who hot launches and kite ends up on the road buts it's happened and as long as people can keep launching there, it's going to happen again. I just want to keep kiting in Cott full stop.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Proposed Changes to Cottesloe Kite Area -" started by AussieDave