REDKITE Downwinder, November 22 Leighton to Brighton
Hey guys just a reminder WAKSA is holding the REDKITE downwinder this Sunday the 22nd. We have Sunday the 29th as a contingency day if Huey decides not to play ball ! Registrations open at 11am on the day down at Brighton, the bus leaves to Leighton at 1 pm.
For fundraising got to The top fundraiser wins a spot in the LtL ! There is other prizes for fundraisers including an iDri phone pouch for anyone who raises over $100.
Watch this space for updates on whether we need to move the event to the 29th.
What sort of experience level would be advised for this one?
Second season kiting, done all of my kiting in the ocean on a twintip (Woodies 1, Pinnaroo, Leighton). Bought a Celeritas in winter, had it out a few times since, still figuring out toeside riding. Never done a downwinder. Fitness will be fine, most of my sessions are 2hrs or more.
I'm in two minds about joining this event - if it's a supervised event, my thinking is that might make for a safe first DW'er.
However I don't want to be in the way / left behind etc if it's a more competitive event.
Any advice appreciated.
It's definitely not competitive, just a fun day out. I'd say you should be fine if you have 75+ hours kiting. The only thing is that you've never done a downwinder and this isn't the shortest one ever. It's windy all week so why not try to organise 1 or 2 this week with a friend or two. Start off with a short one with beach access all the way such as leighton to Swanny or City Beach to Brighton. If you feel good doing this then definitely come along! It's a really fun day with with a great atmosphere!!
Thanks for the responses Hammie, and those who PM'd me.
Have chucked both boards in the car today, heading to Leightons this arvo for some short trial runs, see how I go.
Hey if anyone has a spare spot in their car heading thru/past Cott today for the RedKite DWer and can give me a ride up (and back afterwards too!) that would be awesome. Pls msg me on 0404 784 740. Cheers! Mike
Big thanks to the crew who did the Redkite DW yesterday - overall we managed to raise a signficant $3770 for Redkite which will be greatly appreciated funds for the great work they do.
Thanks also to Aaron for the safety boat (hope you had fun also); Drew, Steve & the WAKSA crew doing beach backup. Always a great day - even better with the wind we had yesterday.
See you all again next year