Heading to Rotto soon and am looking for some guidance on good locations regarding launching areas etc around the island.
Have launched (but not landed) at Bickley Bay, so other options would be cool.
I have never lost more fins and damaged boards more than kiting at Rotto. Shallow reef and submerged rocks make it generally precarious. Cycling across the island with kite gear is tough work. There is some good kiting to be had, but it's not an easy task.
Salmon bay is the best bet
Watch out for the reef it gets shallow. Submerged limestone rocks past fairbridge. Very gusty launch near the Little Salmon end but this is the most upwind spot. Recommend heading away from the Little Salmon end, but this is actually downwind and closer to the reef. I prefer launching mid way between Little Salmon and Fairbridge, due to the wind direction you can do a massive triangle in the bay.
I have also heard of people launching from Narrow Neck if you want to check that out. Same precautions apply with reef.