Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Support a Wave Park for Perth

Created by Munga > 9 months ago, 10 Apr 2019
WA, 89 posts
10 Apr 2019 1:27PM
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Peoples this project needs the whole surfing community (including us) to get behind them to get this thing off the ground. They had all the approvals in place at a cost to date of $500k and the McGowan Government canned it without even looking into the positive community opinions.

There is a rally this Sunday April 14th, between 3 and 5pm... details below.

Get around them guys and girls yeeewwwww...!

NSW, 5784 posts
12 Apr 2019 1:54AM
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What does motor sport have to do with a wave pool...?

WA, 8407 posts
12 Apr 2019 7:03PM
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theDoctor said..

What does motor sport have to do with a wave pool...?

Do enough donuts and you can make a hole

WA, 8407 posts
12 Apr 2019 7:21PM
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Munga said..
Peoples this project needs the whole surfing community (including us) to get behind them to get this thing off the ground. They had all the approvals in place at a cost to date of $500k and the McGowan Government canned it without even looking into the positive community opinions.

There is a rally this Sunday April 14th, between 3 and 5pm... details below.

Get around them guys and girls yeeewwwww...!

Mate this is how it works, youll have money after money chewed up on planning and appraisals , feasability studies, farkin every man and his dog trying to grab a slice of the cake before the project gets off the ground, WA imho should be a mix of tourism attractions, it what makes us unique, having pristine beaches and unspoilt country, but perth could do with a kick up the arse to attract tourists, i heard a great comment from a family from switzerland on rottnest, 1st world class destinatidon, 3rd world accomodation , it looked like a 70s council estate, private enterprise can do it, but the cock suckers in local govnt from top to bottom make it a massive carousel of a head fark
we know how it should be done but getting lazy pen pushers whos nightmare would to get wet and outdoors is a hard one, look at them, its like getting us to go ballroom dancing ffs


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Support a Wave Park for Perth" started by Munga