Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Training Kite

Created by Hughese > 9 months ago, 13 Aug 2021
2 posts
13 Aug 2021 9:16AM
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Hi Everybody,

A work mate who is an experienced kite surfer suggested learning to fly a training kite before heading out onto the water.
Not a bad idea.

I'm in the Cockburn area does anyone wish to part ways with their training kite?



WA, 1565 posts
13 Aug 2021 9:56AM
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Hi Hughese,

We wrote a popular blog article about this :

The advice you got is quite common but fairly outdated. In less than half an hour of flying time on a foil trainer kite you would have learned all there is to learn. Any more time spent on it and this is when you're likely to develop some bad habits (as explained in the article).

Of course, some would disagree with this, including those who sell foil trainer kites.

Your time is much better spent watching quality video tutorials:

Un-learning habits you get from self-learning to fly a 2-line foil trainer kite takes more time and effort vs learning the good habits from day 1 with a professional instructor by your side on a 4-line kite hooked to a harness.

Christian - KiteBud

2 posts
13 Aug 2021 2:57PM
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Hi Thanks Cristian, i think both will be ideal, watch the video's and grab a training kite to develop a new skillset.



WA, 1565 posts
13 Aug 2021 4:45PM
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Hughese said..
Hi Thanks Cristian, i think both will be ideal, watch the video's and grab a training kite to develop a new skillset.



The skills required to fly a 4-line kite are not the same as the ones required to fly a 2-line trainer. Over-flying your trainer kite without any guidance (what everyone does when they get a 2-line trainer is diving it non-stop aggressively in the power zone) will bring some bad habits which will not only be hard to break but also dangerous when you get to use a full-size 4-line kite (Hammer grip, wide grip, pulling the bar all the way in and refusing to let go of the bar).

I've been teaching this sport for 11 years full-time and I can honestly tell you that if your main goal is to fast-forward your training process you are wasting your time (and money) investing in a 2-line trainer kite.

Do some research online (forums, youtube, etc), you'll find many professional instructors that will give you exactly the same advice.

However, if your main goal is to have fun with the family when going down the beach on a light to moderate wind day, that's a different story, then getting a 2-line trainer is great for that purpose.

WA, 820 posts
13 Aug 2021 8:17PM
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2nd opinion from another instructor. agree

If you're committed, reasonably competent and get lessons, you'll be up and about in around 6h. This won't change much if you get a trainer kite.

reiterate- if you want to be a good kiter as fast as possible- get lessons. While you can learn to kite without lessons, you will have a crap time of it and if you value your time at all, its a no-brainer.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Training Kite" started by Hughese