Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Warning. Dangerous agro kiter in Safety Bay

Created by Kraut > 9 months ago, 31 Jan 2014
WA, 542 posts
31 Jan 2014 9:51AM
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Hi all, this is a heads up for everyone kiting in and around the pond in Safety Bay. I know some will find it soft and useless posting this here but I think it helps to alarm fellow kiters and ensure that what they (will) experience is not a one off but an ongoing behaviour of a very angry hater. It is a matter of time someone will get hurt as this man is provoking anyone crossing his way remotely. I'll try to make it short and sweet. Recommendations are welcome with regards to how you might have dealt with a similar situation. Thank you.

Information is based on what I personally observed and others have told me yesterday. I have not been able to talk to him yet but must say from what I heard and from the way he behaves on the water there is little hope a chat will change his attitude. I shall try nevertheless. The idea is to make more people aware and if they experience similar things maybe more folks approaching him will actually have a lasting impact. I will also start bringing my gopro, maybe for a change it will be of use.

Bold/shaved I'd say around 40 but not sure. Riding with sunnies and a hat with ear flaps, old model (2010/2009?) Vegas in black and one in blue, launching and landing near WA Surf / toilets, then spending most of the time riding outside the pond on the seaweed / dredging boat, usually around 5pm to 7ish. Doing his backroll kiteloops ignoring the fact that he will need some space downwind and the fact that he will run into other kiters coming towards him with sufficient space for regularly passing but not for a trick just before they can pass each other. Did it yesterday several time to my girlfriend, the day before to myself, to another female kiter, to anyone out in the area he believes it's his. When he almost ran into the female rider (who rides with good skills and defensively, obeying all the rules and giving way when needed) as a result of his favourite trick, he started abusing her including thumb-to-throat accompanied by yelling "I'll kill you". This is where the tolerance stops. When a fellow male kiter saw this and approached him he replied he doesn't give a f, and good it will make her bugger off, her skills are crap anyway. He has been riding here for 5 years and the place was nice and empty.

I recognised the kite. While most of the time he is on a twintip, he was out on a surfboard once, some months ago. It was just me in the pond just before dusk and he mucked around on his sb, when he decided to come into the pond and ride directly towards me. I realised on time that this will lead to a collision and avoided him. I did not want to spoil my session because of some clearly disturbed maniac and there was space for everyone. I regret this now that I know this is not a one off. He keeps on doing this and will not stop until ?

If you Sir are reading this please post or send me a pm and we can sort something out. I am keen on helping understanding what makes you hate everyone. But trying to cause accidents is inacceptable. Have the guts and speak to us rather than continuing the dangerous route. We live here and we kite here every day, and we will be doing this. So get over it. Every x weeks you come out of nowhere and harrass people and this is not cool. Get some help really! For your own sake and others.

As I said before I understand approaching such person in person is probably the best way to deal with it and I will. But it seems important that others are aware of this too so he can get feedback from as many people as possible.

I would not post if this was just another insignificant one off grumpy bad day incident which happens and is not a big deal. Ta

WA, 25 posts
31 Jan 2014 12:10PM
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Well said Russ. Is the ear-flap-hat a silver/grey colour? I think I was cut off a couple of times by him the other night.

WA, 4 posts
31 Jan 2014 1:47PM
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Yeh Beatit, he wears that hat.

WA, 795 posts
31 Jan 2014 3:13PM
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nice one mate! i am glad i am not the only one and what he did to Kristen is totally unacceptable #############

i will get a satement from Kristen if you can't

Thanks Bro

WA, 25 posts
31 Jan 2014 10:04PM
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Silver hat guy was out again today but was on best behaviour. Either read this post or spoken to?

WA, 795 posts
31 Jan 2014 10:15PM
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nice one
out where
was looking.
theres no way he or anyone could avoid complaints etc on this forum even.if they are in peru thinking of visiting..smoking a super massive spliff by the "blue hole" doing some freediving or sthing stupid like that
theres a few stories coming out of the woodwork now .. & really hope this stops it..
i spoke to him other day but what i said goes a little way! i have a dangling leash thats not allways 'on' lol
i thought he was windsurfing

WA, 126 posts
1 Feb 2014 8:13AM
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hey Silver hat as the posts are indicating you are starting to p--- people off, your actions are not isolated events and you may not know but they are not directed towards short term kiting tourists, we are locals that have been here for some time and are not going anywhere, the discussion on the beach yesterday by the local crew who are out in the pond every windy day rain hail or shine was how we can deal with you, stop being a d--k and think about joining us not fighting us, kiting can be fun you know, and by the way your back rolls look gay not that there is anything wrong with that.

WA, 1255 posts
1 Feb 2014 10:04AM
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beatit said...
Silver hat guy was out again today but was on best behaviour. Either read this post or spoken to?

Don't think it was the same guy if you're talking in the evening. There was a guy out there in the same spot on a sb, blue rebel (looks similar to blue Vegas), wearing helmet.. He's a mellow old dude.

WA, 4 posts
1 Feb 2014 10:17AM
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The silver/white helmet older guy was out last night on a similar looking kite (at least in the latest hours of the day), as default said, is a nice older well behaved man. He is often there and certainly not bothering anyone! Please don't mix him up with the other one who instead wears a base cap with ear flaps, brownish or greyish color rather than silver from what I remember, and black sunnies. Bigger guy.

WA, 25 posts
1 Feb 2014 11:06AM
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Cool must be someone else then, was about 5-5:30. There's not many of those hat's getting around.

... was too busy keeping my 9m flying in 18kts yesterday to make better observations....

61 posts
1 Feb 2014 1:40PM
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We are all watching you big angry man. You can threaten us punching our faces as much as you like. But as a large group of locals we will make sure you will be paying for it. We don't want you here. This is not flight club. Kiteboarding is for friendly sportsmen helping each other and enjoying the spot together obeying each other's space. Backrolls kiteloops hooked in are not as great either mate, nothing to feel utterly superior about. BTW Starboard way of right only applies for passing each other. Not if you through a trick just before passing therefore ending up in front of the other kiter as you shoot downwind. Yelling at that person and even abuse them makes you a real asshole. Go and take your medicine!

WA, 490 posts
1 Feb 2014 3:02PM
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RussKraut said..

Hi all, this is a heads up for everyone kiting in and around the pond in Safety Bay. I know some will find it soft and useless posting this here but I think it helps to alarm fellow kiters and ensure that what they (will) experience is not a one off but an ongoing behaviour of a very angry hater. It is a matter of time someone will get hurt as this man is provoking anyone crossing his way remotely. I'll try to make it short and sweet. Recommendations are welcome with regards to how you might have dealt with a similar situation. Thank you.

Information is based on what I personally observed and others have told me yesterday. I have not been able to talk to him yet but must say from what I heard and from the way he behaves on the water there is little hope a chat will change his attitude. I shall try nevertheless. The idea is to make more people aware and if they experience similar things maybe more folks approaching him will actually have a lasting impact. I will also start bringing my gopro, maybe for a change it will be of use.

Bold/shaved I'd say around 40 but not sure. Riding with sunnies and a hat with ear flaps, old model (2010/2009?) Vegas in black and one in blue, launching and landing near WA Surf / toilets, then spending most of the time riding outside the pond on the seaweed / dredging boat, usually around 5pm to 7ish. Doing his backroll kiteloops ignoring the fact that he will need some space downwind and the fact that he will run into other kiters coming towards him with sufficient space for regularly passing but not for a trick just before they can pass each other. Did it yesterday several time to my girlfriend, the day before to myself, to another female kiter, to anyone out in the area he believes it's his. When he almost ran into the female rider (who rides with good skills and defensively, obeying all the rules and giving way when needed) as a result of his favourite trick, he started abusing her including thumb-to-throat accompanied by yelling "I'll kill you". This is where the tolerance stops. When a fellow male kiter saw this and approached him he replied he doesn't give a f, and good it will make her bugger off, her skills are crap anyway. He has been riding here for 5 years and the place was nice and empty.

I recognised the kite. While most of the time he is on a twintip, he was out on a surfboard once, some months ago. It was just me in the pond just before dusk and he mucked around on his sb, when he decided to come into the pond and ride directly towards me. I realised on time that this will lead to a collision and avoided him. I did not want to spoil my session because of some clearly disturbed maniac and there was space for everyone. I regret this now that I know this is not a one off. He keeps on doing this and will not stop until ?

If you Sir are reading this please post or send me a pm and we can sort something out. I am keen on helping understanding what makes you hate everyone. But trying to cause accidents is inacceptable. Have the guts and speak to us rather than continuing the dangerous route. We live here and we kite here every day, and we will be doing this. So get over it. Every x weeks you come out of nowhere and harrass people and this is not cool. Get some help really! For your own sake and others.

As I said before I understand approaching such person in person is probably the best way to deal with it and I will. But it seems important that others are aware of this too so he can get feedback from as many people as possible.

I would not post if this was just another insignificant one off grumpy bad day incident which happens and is not a big deal. Ta

Sounds like NOBS has taken time away from the keyboard to actually go kiting. ;-)

WA, 9 posts
10 Mar 2014 8:42PM
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This guy got all crazy with me today as well. He changed directions without even looking and crossed my lines. Both kites down. Just after that he started screaming at me, insulting and making threatening gestures like he will cut my throat. Haha, sounds funny, but wasn't funny in that moment. After that when we got to the shore he waited till Matt left me alone (thanks Matt for getting my kite), and again the crazy and violent gestures began. I just told him "man chill out, peace and love", and as he saw i had no intentions, I didn't even tell him it was his fault, even though it clearly was, he left me alone.
I don't know what's wrong with this guy but we don't deserve to take his **** when we are just trying to have a relaxed session.

WA, 93 posts
10 Mar 2014 10:07PM
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poor guy, some one please shank him so he can chill out at home and enjoy prescription meds

WA, 224 posts
11 Mar 2014 8:08AM
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rollo19 said..

poor guy, some one please shank him so he can chill out at home and enjoy prescription meds

Why does someone not post a picture or photo of this idiot up so we can all have a good look at him and you never know he may meet his match before the end of the season

WA, 1363 posts
13 Mar 2014 3:09PM
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Name and shame,I like it. There is nothing wrong if you dont do notthing wrong :)

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
13 Mar 2014 8:45PM
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just give him a whipping... or if he's big and you're scared it might go the other way then just get a few people riding to crowd him during his session and make him lose his **** and go home or deflate all 4 of his tires... he'll realise he's not wanted.

WA, 795 posts
13 Mar 2014 9:20PM
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Ok! His names matt mike or mark or mick am pretty sure it begins with M. I got this from confronting him for an explanation on doing slit throat signals to a perfectly good visiting female kiter..who was known by all. Yes big burly shaved head.Thinks he knows it all. Doesnt'give way' flexibility. In episode 2 also confronted and enquired as to why he's doing slit throat signals to someone he clearly caused the accident with..he said "its because he's a ****ing euro." (which he isnt and shows a serious lacK# of worldly intelligence ) he's also a v well.known&liked safety bay probably wasnt a v good idea ...hayy...

He's 49. I got this from making legal enquiries.
It's not about making a one off mistake in kiteing..or any sport....but repetative ones and abusing intimidating others is different. He would not know the word 'humility' or 'listen and learn'..and has obviously never worked in tourism.There is now a petition book circulating.

Anyone who perceives his behaviour as threatening and violent or dangerous at any time this season or in the past few years who reads this..please come forward and pm anyone on this forum thread related to safety bay..or email with your story!.The book will be accessible to all kiteboard schools here registering complaints and will lead to a potential council ban..or perhaps water police charges. If the kiter punched (whilst holding a kite up) by a chap hurling slit throat action abuse last year is reading this..please come forward so that police charges can be made.
Anyone who is overseas who has had experiences with a racist "local" kiter in the past(please note none of the others are by the way!) please write also
The schools support this so do all of the good locals who are aware of this persons behaviour.Some witnessed. Alot of these guys kite every day in the 'pond' and are more than helpful to all.
Actions speak louder than words. This chap would not go out of his way to help anyone in any kiteing situation!!

R.e photographs geordieboy.. For sure that would be nice..but the guy is so insane he would react violently to it
It is a shame other kiters have not reported him to the police also.But the ones i know he has intimidated. If the kiter who was punched last year...whilst holding a kite up....possibly by him..please come forward!

For reference i got involved with this because of one small incident with me when i figured he wasnt'right in the head' and had attitude. I let that go no worries. It was upon hearing from a friend(girl) that he had done the same but with slit throat signals that i got alarmed and spoke to all of the good locals about it for support.They too have had issues with this nutter ! So its not just a 'euro'thing.

Best regards and safe kiteing

Andy T
WA, 325 posts
13 Mar 2014 11:04PM
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Put a picture up!!!!!
I am a beginner / regular / local that kites at the back of the pond cos I'm still learning and don't want to get in other kiters way (respect thing) I want to know who I need to avoid!!! My turning / coordination isn't the greatest at this stage but I'm getting there. This is my local spot too (live 600m from the pond).
I want to be safe and keep others safe.

WA, 795 posts
13 Mar 2014 11:40PM
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Andy T

want to lend me a camera with an awesome "zoom"?

Then i'll do it for you..for sure !!

gopro was on kite latest incident above..but not on !!!

Andy T
WA, 325 posts
13 Mar 2014 11:47PM
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You can borrow my phone

Andy T
WA, 325 posts
13 Mar 2014 11:49PM
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The more i hear about this guy the more i want him gone. And I'll do it if I need to... my son kites here too, and I won't tolerate any of the **** I've read; NO 2ND CHANCE

WA, 795 posts
13 Mar 2014 11:57PM
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Hows that going to work?(a phone)?

Try and borrow one
At least then if he ever visits city beach leighton etc and does the same thing he will be known!..
Or Sydney...i was reading this !!

WA, 1019 posts
14 Mar 2014 12:19AM
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Timmy, i wouldn't waste my time with legal action or petitions. Just tell him to f**k off. Every time he comes back, let his tyres down. You cant get pinged for damage to his car and can you imagine the hassles of having 4 flat tyres.

What's really disturbing is that old mate is 50 years old. Surely at that age, your about 30 years past your agro days and it might be wise not to take on young blokes who are probably stronger and faster? Especially if they are from the mean streets of Rocko

WA, 795 posts
14 Mar 2014 12:44AM
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Good point mdsxr .....&thanx ..all angles are being covered

andy t couldnt trust him with kids at all ..try talking to him!! ..he cant communicate hence never in the actual pond.

QLD, 6493 posts
14 Mar 2014 6:26AM
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Or invite a large tourist over to pinch him in the mouth then leave... my rates are cheap

WA, 8407 posts
15 Mar 2014 10:45PM
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MDSXR6T said..

Timmy, i wouldn't waste my time with legal action or petitions. Just tell him to f**k off. Every time he comes back, let his tyres down. You cant get pinged for damage to his car and can you imagine the hassles of having 4 flat tyres.

What's really disturbing is that old mate is 50 years old. Surely at that age, your about 30 years past your agro days and it might be wise not to take on young blokes who are probably stronger and faster? Especially if they are from the mean streets of Rocko

about 15 years ago bare knuckle fights were the go around the dock road in the uk, never saw a young bloke out gun an older bloke, its called heart, another example of a softening Australia, ffs give him a slap

QLD, 6493 posts
17 Mar 2014 9:20PM
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An open-handed bitch-slap is so much more degrading too


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Warning. Dangerous agro kiter in Safety Bay" started by Kraut