I recently wrote to Seabreeze to ask them if they could put in another anemometer for Mandurah as the current one under-reads in the prevailing wind directions.
This is their reply:
The Mandurah instruments are operated by the BOM, whom generously share their data with us to make up the live readings. I think uprooting their anemometers might get us in a little strife, so i'll have to put the hacksaw back in the shed, and instead add your request for another privately owned station on the estuary to our wish-list of future locations.
If you know of anybody living in a house or business in that area, who has a steady internet connection and would be open to a small weather station on their roof, then let us know. [i]The data usage is minimal, just tiny little text files with the data uploaded every 10 minutes, or 30 mins (some of our stations are 30 min intervals only).
[/i]So, it seems Seabreeze are open to putting in another anemometer, we just need to find a good location.
If you know anyone in the Mandurah area whose roof gets a fairy clear southerly/ SW wind and might be interested in having a small weather station on their roof PM me and I will pass the details onto the Seabreeze people.
I say put it on waveslaves roof.
I wouldn't be against having a meter on my roof ...
then I could mess with it and share the 'data' with all my new friends.