Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Chook and Landyachts pennyfarthing thread

Created by landyacht > 9 months ago, 18 Aug 2013
Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
13 Nov 2013 11:58AM
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Hey chook, been flying your kites lately

WA, 1249 posts
13 Nov 2013 5:17PM
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Ray is a fantastic old guy. I met him at the Red Bull Air races in Perth. I thought he was a rude old bugger, as he wouldn't answer me. It turns out he's stone deaf and has to lip read. He was flying with John Barresi and his kite display team. This is where I got into 4 line precision kites, after seeing their display. Thanks Wayne.

WA, 261 posts
21 Nov 2013 10:11PM
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You would need some decent muscles in your legs to peddle this one hey.

WA, 1249 posts
22 Nov 2013 4:30PM
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For sure Ben.

This has got "Landyacht" written all over it, with his ever increasing supply of bikes.

WA, 261 posts
22 Nov 2013 10:31PM
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Should get this book as a Christmas present for Paul, seen it in the bookshop last time i was Esperance.

SA, 956 posts
24 Nov 2013 1:35AM
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thanks Chook for the link post......I think the chess set was done by landyacht,,,The welding looks like his.

WA, 5921 posts
27 Nov 2013 8:01PM
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right boys , back on track. the road worrier is now back together after a little patch and beef up

its back on the riad and feeling just fine.
i tried out the 2.6mm fencing wire in the spoke threader, and it was OK as long as the nipple was a tight one.
chook has now found out that trellising wire is slightly thicker at 2.65 mm.
after a phone call to my favourite cowamarup vineyard, Cape Grace, an envelope full of wire samples is in the post
with luck , perhaps a bottle of their awesome gold medal cab sav should have a result by early next week

WA, 1249 posts
28 Nov 2013 2:49PM
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Geez you love that nail gun Paul.

There is hope for us yet!!!!

WA, 5921 posts
5 Dec 2013 9:12PM
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bugger , the vineyard wire was bog ordinary 2.6mm and 2.85. I suppose i'll have to go straight to the manufacturer

WA, 1249 posts
23 Jan 2014 1:32PM
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Still at a stalling point with the 2.680mm wire for spokes.

Just the bearing holders built for the main drive. These are still to be slit into halves, then one half welded onto the end of the forks.

Been distracted as Pink Lake has finally dried up enough to sail on. Bit wet and sticky but sailable.
Only had, 0.5mm of rain last night unlike Kalgoorlie.

Check out the jigs, testing, forging and construction in this old film.

I loved it!!!!

WA, 5921 posts
23 Jan 2014 8:52PM
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dang it chook,my interweb is slow at the mo so I'll have to come back to that.
like yourself, Im stuck on thatb wire, ,meanwhile considering going canoeing on lefroy on the weekend
have to work the weekend to catch up after the rain , but track to king of the west should be good for next weekend. there will have to be at least 1.5m after that rain

SA, 956 posts
26 Jan 2014 8:00AM
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Did I see Dad and The Stigg riding penny/halfpennys on an ABC promo

WA, 5921 posts
27 Jan 2014 10:16PM
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not us gibber, just our doppelgangers

SA, 956 posts
28 Jan 2014 6:30AM
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so then this would be thou

SA, 2865 posts
22 Feb 2014 9:00PM
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Keep this in mind for next year....

4 posts
24 Feb 2014 5:43AM
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Very Interesting bring old inventions to now a day... Congrats

WA, 5921 posts
26 Feb 2014 7:49PM
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finally some progress. A winegrower in Moora sent me some 2.64mm growwire to test and it is just perfect!!!!!!. we can now move on to the next phase of building a full size spoke to destroy!!!!!

WA, 5921 posts
10 Mar 2014 9:21PM
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just to keep the brain working Ive got stuck into a recumbent Bicycle. most of you will have seen a tricycle but a recumbent bike is a 2 wheeler.
this one is a copy of a bacchetta giro ,but in steel and bronze weld. this one will be a 26" or 700 wheel size. i have to build a glass seat for it yet( this weekend)

the bike in the background is a 26" MTB converted to a single gear cyclespeedway bike. google it

weighs 1/10 of sweet FA and a joy to ride around town

WA, 5921 posts
20 Mar 2014 8:45PM
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shes up and rolling, bit dusty in the street, hence the shot at speed
hows the wire hunt going chook
we need to be ready before i finish this one and and start the autocycle

WA, 2775 posts
20 Mar 2014 9:40PM
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landyacht said..
we need to be ready before i finish this one and and start the autocycle

how about a lefroy version of one of these, using fallshaw wheels and a chainsaw engine?
might be both fun and handy at lefroy for rounding up and towing back the strays.


SA, 956 posts
21 Mar 2014 3:50AM
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Honda had a production machine like that in the 60's was called a Monkey bike, fold up [maybe strine]

The one you have photographed, i have 4 very good wheels, tires, if not the same , very similar.

you can have then if you want, pick up or pay the freight.........

1263 posts
21 Mar 2014 3:03AM
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landyacht said..

shes up and rolling, bit dusty in the street, hence the shot at speed
hows the wire hunt going chook
we need to be ready before i finish this one and and start the autocycle

That 'speed ' photo makes my eyes hurt.... If the bike pulls to one side or the other, it's probably due to the imbalance of your socks. I have been told on good authority that the darker the color, the more they weigh, and therefore the extra pull to one side or the other

Nice job on the new ride!

1229 posts
21 Mar 2014 4:12AM
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gibberjoe said..

Honda had a production machine like that in the 60's was called a Monkey bike, fold up [maybe strine]

An uncle of mine had a similar fold up WW2 paratroopers bike many years ago

WA, 215 posts
23 Mar 2014 6:31PM
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Might be a few more ideas here guys....

Weird and Wonderful Bike Tech 2014

WA, 5921 posts
1 Apr 2014 9:05PM
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recumbent if finalized and got tested on the weekend. I converted to 700/25 wheels with shimano105 hubs/alexis rims and a 7 speed cassete rear.


ts really sweet to ride.weight is only 1.5 kg heavier than its parent roadbike.
first ride was out to nimbus hill ,a popular training ride. a 24km ride out and back ,with some great hills . It could use a 9 or 10 speed rear ,but that a wish list thing.
its now stripped for painting and the final rebuild in eddy merkx orange
meanwhile i scored a 3 hp tecumseh motor for the autocycle

WA, 2775 posts
2 Apr 2014 12:40PM
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Any links to what this Autocycle will look like?


WA, 5921 posts
4 Apr 2014 11:30PM
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Imagine a really chunky 26" bike ,slightly longer,with a 4 stroke 3hp engine . the hard part is creating a really early feel to the bike, but keeping the pedals as the starter. Mtrbikes were all first built by bike builders with single speed belt drives. google lewis or BSA ,HD ,INDIAN etc

WA, 5921 posts
5 Apr 2014 6:37PM
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heres something a tad more modern, but im planning to use the lewis style belt

SA, 956 posts
6 Apr 2014 2:51AM
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a few old bikes


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Chook and Landyachts pennyfarthing thread" started by landyacht