Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Mini class using the promo style chasis

Created by US772 > 9 months ago, 16 Nov 2013
123 posts
17 Jun 2014 7:51AM
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picture of potential mini...

430 posts
17 Jun 2014 7:59AM
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If you make the wheel base 1.8m and the width 1.5m it should fit the 5.6 rope rule. The Fed 5 frame would be ideal. The front wheel would be just in front of the mast. Dont worry about weight. You need heaps to hold these tiny boats down. Build it heavy. They probably wont start the race till there is a steady 10kts.

332 posts
17 Jun 2014 10:00AM
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Blake it looks like most of the promoish minis have the mast about 50'' plus ahead of the rear axle center line. Some appear to have a good amount of mast rake as well. It's going to interesting to see how they do rounding the leeward mark with a decent wind at Smith Creek.

123 posts
18 Jun 2014 8:14AM
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Thanks, that helps a lot. I did a lot of measuring today. Of course, none of the corresponding Ludic tubes are even close to the fed frame tubes. Stretching the Ludic a foot looks doable, but so does just building a simple T-shaped rear section to mate up with the Ludic steering and mast base. I wonder how the promo folks are avoiding the weight being too far back since shortening the rear axles moves the rear wheels forward and the weight distribution was already a problem.

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
18 Jun 2014 1:38PM
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As you can see by my avatar, my Promo is a straight "T" bar chasis, so, if I shortened my rear axles it would just make the promo narrower

123 posts
19 Jun 2014 12:06AM
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yeah...I was thinking of the y-under variety that the Europeans are cutting down...yours would not have that problem..

WA, 1660 posts
19 Jun 2014 1:25AM
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I think they use a fair bit of ballast in the front when the wind is up. Mini AUs230 with the mast post forward can attack the downwind mark fully sheeted with no problem

WA, 261 posts
19 Jun 2014 7:19AM
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hey Vic, I put my promo mini on the scales and I have about 8kg on the front wheel. i think i read somewhere front wheel weights Sand 11kg and clay 7kg.

123 posts
25 Jun 2014 9:53AM
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Still working on the mini, but just released the latest Dirtboating Magazine. Dirtboating .com

123 posts
5 Jul 2014 7:41AM
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Progress. Did a lot of welding this morning, mostly the odd bits to make streering work without making it impossible to go back to a mostly Ludic setup and parts to male my trailer two level. I'll take photos of those parts and the whole thing assembled tomorrow. Then I have a bunch of epoxy and glass work to put the tub back together and close up all the extra holes. I wish I was a better welder; just don't do it often enough...seem to be able to do strong ugly welds, could be worse.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Mini class using the promo style chasis" started by US772