Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction


Created by tryhard > 9 months ago, 4 Jul 2015
222 posts
4 Jul 2015 2:09PM
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My skiwi doesn't have a seatbelt which is why I came off(out) of it in a very early sail.Injury occurred but not permanent.I have been pondering the seatbelt issue.Are we talking about a lap belt,full harness or what? Ex car seat belts?

WA, 1248 posts
4 Jul 2015 3:07PM
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Yeh I just adapt the lap seatbelt from the centre position of the rear car seat of older model cars.
These are the lift/tilt the buckle to adjust, lap type belt.

Newer cars have "retracta reel" over the shoulder belts for this position and aren't really suitable.

Car wreckers are not allowed to sell seatbelts anymore, (farmers would buy the buckles to plug into the stalks, so the utes/cars alarms or beepers don't keep going off while in and out of the utes fencing checking stock etc.) so I hit up my mates that race speedway and always wrecking cars for part.

They are attached to my seat mountings with 8mm bolts.

I have had some bad slaps onto rock hard salt and the seatbelts have saved me every time. Had some bad bruising around the hips where the belt caught me though.
It would have been really nasty without it. One crash I was hit by a gust and flipped sideways over the mast onto the frontwheel then my seat back, frontwheel and seat back once again. That really hurt where I fell onto the sheeted in boom each tumble.

I struggle to wonder how they race without them.

222 posts
4 Jul 2015 3:54PM
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Maybe I should take up croquet instead

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
5 Jul 2015 8:55AM
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If you want to know how badly bruised you can get from not having a seat belt ask Landyacht about Mrs Landyacht and sailing in the world championships at Rada Tilly Argentina

WA, 2775 posts
5 Jul 2015 3:30PM
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Select to expand quote
tryhard said..
Maybe I should take up croquet instead

any sport that involves swinging a hammer is bound to end in tears [or broken toes]


WA, 5921 posts
5 Jul 2015 8:21PM
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ive slowly run out of car belts so now i save the webbing and make a belt from 50mm wide heavy duty velcro . one side has a layer of the soft side on each sideabout 300mm long. think of it as a tongue. the other side has 2 lengths of webbingwith a layer of the hook on the inside faces. think jaws.
. very easy to operate . my 300mm long sets will support150 kg static load and when dropped. I tend to lay it across my chest more than my hips

430 posts
6 Jul 2015 11:23AM
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Blokart make a really good seatbelt for landyachts. Mostly stainless steel apart from the spring, but I haven't seen any rust on that part. They are same as the ones you see on aircraft with a flip up release. A little bit expensive but what price is your safety worth.

WA, 1248 posts
6 Jul 2015 3:34PM
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They are really first class Clemco. Very simple to release.

I have found that this style is harder for newcomers that have overturned to get undone easily.

I go for this style if I can find them, as it's much easier to find the release button, particularly if clothing is hanging over the belt.

The Velcro sounds like the go as well landyacht, but a bit more work with sewing involved.

222 posts
6 Jul 2015 3:51PM
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Next question chaps-where should the belt be fixed to? Remember that I have a version of Clemco's skimini

WA, 1248 posts
6 Jul 2015 6:10PM
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Are there some bolts that come up from the ski mounts/body mounting, to attach each end too?

222 posts
15 Aug 2015 12:45PM
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I bought this set from the US for US$19.95.The freight cost more than the item.I will need to anchor it to the bum protector

222 posts
15 Aug 2015 12:47PM
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The rather fetching red matches the seat colour and also serves to remind me what colour liquid is likely to be produced if I don't wear the belt


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"seatbelts" started by tryhard