Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

sandgropers 2013-14 season

Created by aus230 > 9 months ago, 10 Nov 2013
WA, 101 posts
31 Mar 2014 6:15AM
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Sorry Vic I pulled my finger out, so here is some fillum from the 16th of March.

try to watch in 720-1080p (click the little cog in the bottom right corner) if ya internets is capable

WA, 1660 posts
1 Apr 2014 11:04PM
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Thanks Mark, much appreciated

Last Sunday was a Class5/ mini scratch event. Unfortunately only 2 class5 races were run as a sudden rain storm flooded the lake making it to slippery to sail on. No mini races were run.
During the races I could smell rubber burning on my yacht (AUS230) turned out that I has a broken front axle allowing the tyre to rub on the forks in the corners. First time I have had that part break

Top three.
1st Howard AUS23
2nd Merv AUS1
3rd Ronni AUS55

Score sheet.

Rained out and no wind

Course / mini course in blue

WA, 700 posts
6 Apr 2014 8:48PM
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Great sailing day today with 10 yachts on the grid. The wind gods were smiling and gave us a steady 10 knot southerly to start with which picked up to around 15 in the mid afternoon from the south west.

Some interesting occurrences with markers clipped and minor yacht breakdowns , the most notable being a boom breakage which is very rare. The wind direction allowed the first mark to be much further upwind than normal, although with the shift later on it was easy to make it without a tack.

Results to follow

WA, 1660 posts
7 Apr 2014 7:53PM
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Hope the wind holds for next weekend

Club88 results

WA, 1660 posts
16 Apr 2014 10:30PM
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Another great racing season just about over, the last point score meeting for class5 was run last weekend. There is one more club88 day to be sailed and the season will finish with an open fun day on the 4th of May.

The winds where light to moderate all day and all 8 races where completed, Phil sailed mini Aus230 in the class5 races and ended up mid field I think he enjoyed the little yacht and was a bit surprised in how fast a 5.6 mini can go. We ended the day with a barbie and a few coldies.

Top positions
1st Vic AUS230
2nd Ewen AUS199
3rd Howard AUS23

Score Sheet

vid from aus230 last meeting. Starting to get a bit of a handicap which is great fun

WA, 1660 posts
6 May 2014 9:19PM
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Sandgropers Land Yacht Club

April 27 Club88 handicap
Great days sailing after some light overnight rain to settle the dust.

Just got the last race finished, yachts packed away and the barbecue fired up when down came another downpour.

(Report above from Barry)



WA, 1660 posts
6 May 2014 9:54PM
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Last sailing day for the season on Lake Walyungup. It was a handicap fun day but the winds failed us, most races where started but the wind dried up half way through each race. But was still good fun.

We cleared all out markers etc. from the lake and packed up for this season. Greg had the roast cooked and we had a great feed.

Thanks everyone for the great season and a special thanks to the scorers, starters and all those that put there time into the club.

230 posts
6 May 2014 11:53PM
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ledzephyrlin said..

Sorry Vic I pulled my finger out, so here is some fillum from the 16th of March.
try to watch in 720-1080p (click the little cog in the bottom right corner) if ya internets is capable

OOOOHHH! S#%T! That just about broke my heart. That really sucks man! You were having such a killer run too.

230 posts
7 May 2014 12:14AM
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I've watched Vics video so many times that I feel as though I've had a run there myself! Never get tired of watching that run Vic. I would REALLY like to run there. But not against you Vic, cuz I don't like getting my ass kicked!

If I were only half the sailor!!!

WA, 1660 posts
11 May 2014 8:08PM
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Below wind speed of 20kph aus230 is a pretty good yacht, above that the club88's are dam good yachts and really hold there own at lake walyungup. There sail cut gets the power down real low and can really scoot it the higher winds.

WA, 1660 posts
28 Jun 2014 12:30AM
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The Sandgropers season is now finished for 2014 at Lake Walyungup. It was a great season and we did not lose a lot of sailing time due to low winds.
The AGM was held a couple of weeks ago, It was a good night with a good attendance and a couple of new members also present.
A new committee was elected and I would personally like to thank Barry M for running the club over the last 3 years.

The new committee

Commodore Vic AUS230

Vice Commodore Adam AUS12

Treasure Sue

Secretary Greg AUS42

Trophy Presentation

There was a new trophy this year based on handicap points for a second division and it was won by Adam AUS12

Club 88

1st Howard AUS23

2nd Phil AUS190

3rd Ewen AUS199

Class5 Scratch

1st Vic AUS230

2nd Barry M AUS16

3rd Howard AUS23

Club Champion

1st Vic AUS230

2nd Howard AUS23

Barry M AUS16

so ends a great year, Our next event will be the state open championship at Lake Lefroy on the long weekend in September so looking forward to that



Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

"sandgropers 2013-14 season" started by aus230