Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

Mini Start

Created by US772 > 9 months ago, 23 May 2014
332 posts
23 May 2014 11:20PM
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Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
24 May 2014 9:13PM
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Dial up start. Looks like some of them need to let their sails out to get some starting speed

230 posts
27 May 2014 2:11PM
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Looks like there needs to be a STANDING START ONLY, with no option of a rolling start!....Rolling starts increase the chance of injury and skyrocket insurance cost's which would essentially eliminate the sporting events. Our BLM would not stand injuries very well and would deal with it by not issuing permits for the events!!!!!

I could definitely see this coming to pass!

Beside the only rolling starts work is with a pacesetter. Not random meandering!

WA, 5921 posts
27 May 2014 8:42PM
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I was going to make some suggestions on improvements , but having seen the video you guys have got it spot on !!!!!
the whole fleet away in a couple of seconds, the dial up area was perfectly sized.
with bodied minis you soon learn to fire up and dont slow down.
welcome to mini racing brothers and sisters

332 posts
27 May 2014 10:18PM
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We are all new to the rolling start. The mini fleet is new too. Since it's an easy class to join there are more inexperienced sailors. We will eventually look more cohesive in the starts. I think most had no timing devices resulting in over the line a little late. I goofed up my timer setting a time or two leaving you only to guess . I love the way it was played out. you are given a 2 minute pre start. You can sail as far away from the line as you want. Some of the well played starts got a heap of speed up from far off and timed it well as the flag was dropped. So far I've seen more bumps/collisions in a typical soft water sailing start.

WA, 261 posts
20 Jun 2014 1:08AM
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Rolling starts are the best because they allow a tactical pilot to make a good start. Most races are won or lost at the start.

For spectators this is the most exciting part of the race to watch.

Reaching starts are fast but typical start line gives you more options with your tactics.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"Mini Start" started by US772