Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Sail making

Luff curve

Created by phum > 9 months ago, 28 Aug 2016
QLD, 25 posts
28 Aug 2016 10:55AM
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Its probably been explained before but I cant find it.
what method do you use to establish the mast bent to translate to the luff curve?
Do you add extra curve to the luff for some fullness or rely on seam shape?
Thanks Peter

WA, 215 posts
29 Aug 2016 6:43AM
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Hi Peter

A bit more context would be helpful.

What type and size of mast?
What type and size of sail?
What type of yacht?
What ground are you sailing on?

WA, 261 posts
29 Aug 2016 9:01AM
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QLD, 25 posts
29 Aug 2016 4:38PM
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Its a windsurfer sail that has been recut once already, I think the foot has been attacked, but is an awful fit on the mast. 30 Kg is a fair bit of weight, I will try.
And you dont add any extra luff curve. Its on my new to me LLM.

WA, 5921 posts
12 Sep 2016 8:09PM
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by using 30 kg you are making measurements with the same system as windsurfer mast makers. that is the staandard the use whemn measuring the curve. it sounds like alot but you need to do it to properly flex that mast

104 posts
13 Sep 2016 1:27AM
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Set up your yacht with mast boom and mainsheet, fix a rope from the top of your mast to the end of your boom. Tighten down your mainsheet and tie off. Set up a line from the top of the mast to the base on the inside curve, measure the distance from the straight edge (the line) to the mast every 100mm. Get some long strips of card and transfer the coordinates finally cut the luff curve and use it on your sail. PS mark the boom height.

1229 posts
13 Sep 2016 4:50PM
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Bynorthsea said..
Set up your yacht with mast boom and mainsheet, fix a rope from the top of your mast to the end of your boom. Tighten down your mainsheet and tie off. Set up a line from the top of the mast to the base on the inside curve, measure the distance from the straight edge (the line) to the mast every 100mm. Get some long strips of card and transfer the coordinates finally cut the luff curve and use it on your sail. PS mark the boom height.

I have used this method and it worked out pretty well

1 posts
14 Sep 2016 4:50PM
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Thank you for sharing the information with all of us.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Sail making

"Luff curve" started by phum