The Melbourne to Osaka race is almost here.
It has a staggered start with the S&S 34 Morning Star (Rumble Fish did the rigging on this boat) off on 15 March. A majority of the fleet is leaving 10 days later.
It should be an exciting race watching all the big boats close in on Morning Star.
The ORCV will be releasing regular videos :
There is heaps of really good resources about trip preparation and safety on the site (and on youtube - search ORCV)
You can even see what Jo Breen and Peter Brooks are eating for breakfast in Morning Star.
Wish I could take the time from work to see them off.
I'm cheering for two boats , Matrix reloaded (as she's a Pogo) and Nexba (cos Will Oxley has been helping them out)
I agree with Andrew that they've made a great website with lots of good info on it, I keep getting suckered back in to read a little more!
The Melbourne to Osaka race is almost here.
It has a staggered start with the S&S 34 Morning Star (Rumble Fish did the rigging on this boat) off on 15 March. A majority of the fleet is leaving 10 days later.
It should be an exciting race watching all the big boats close in on Morning Star.
The ORCV will be releasing regular videos :
There is heaps of really good resources about trip preparation and safety on the site (and on youtube - search ORCV)
You can even see what Jo Breen and Peter Brooks are eating for breakfast in Morning Star.
Wish I could take the time from work to see them off.
Also re-rigged Force Eleven who the skipper is an old mate of mine!
Chinese Whisper is currently in Hobart while the slowest boat has already started!!!
Tracker. Winds are not kind to Morning Star for her first day.
Tracker. Winds are not kind to Morning Star for her first day.
It's an unfortunate weather system and by time it starts blowing the next group will start. She wont get much of a head start.
Yeah they drew a short straw with this weather period didn't they! Bartolome and The Edge will be absolutely flying up behind them once they're underway.
Anyone know what's going on with the Sayer yacht Runaway .
Set to start on 25th but tracker shows her started travelled 26 mls. yet also showing her still at Sandy YC
Morning Star is tearing along and at times even making ground on the two followers that include Edge(Sunfast 3200). Right now she's making 8.2 knots COG. Just love these S&S 34's.
The main race start has been delayed until tomorrow due to the prospect of sending out a fleet of loaded boats into 50 knots. Its really blowing outside right now.
Morning Star is charging along. There is a nifty little system moving North about the same speed as Morning Star locking her in reaching conditions, but putting the boats behind in either a lull or northerlys.
Wrap 3 is out :
great race ! the main fleet are going have to wait a couple of days for wind by the look of it . the S&S is going to get on the back of that low .
Edge is now making ground on Morning Star.
Here is the ORCV main start footage.
Thanks for footage
Edge is now making ground on Morning Star.
Here is the ORCV main start footage.
Thanks for footage
Its actually quite a good effort for a race mainly organized by volunteers.
race suspended, due to potential safety concerns over TC iris .
Its really interesting how this race is unfolding.
Here is the note fro the ORCV site. As I understand it, the boats have a choice to continue or temporarily-strategically return to port. Pity now that we will miss out an approximate real time comparison of all the competitors.
Following the Notice to Competitors yesterday regarding concerns over cyclone Iris there have been some decisions made by skippers overnight and courses in some cases altered accordingly. Some competitors such as Allegro have decided to head further east, keeping an eye on things and hopefully getting north of the cyclone. Quite a number, such as Nexba, Maverick and Mr Lucky have turned to find a safe haven. There are others of course in the earlier group, who are clear of the weather to the north and others such as Utopia 2001 and our recently started Chinese Whisper ,who are still a fair way south. They will no doubt keep a close eye on things as they proceed. It's not as simple as picking any Port either when it comes to deciding where to shelter. Depending on whether a crew decide to get off the boat or find a safe place to anchor, they will need to choose an official "Port of Entry" such as Southport. That way they can clear customs with Border Force in that port. Following is a list of our 19 competitors and their know status by the Race Director as of the 2pm Apr 3.
Allegro Continue racing to NE
Bartolome Continue Racing. Nth of critical area
Blue Water Tracks Repairs Sydney
Chinese Whisper Continue racing
Elektra Continue racing
Force Eleven Heading to Southport
Kraken Heading to Southport
Lord Jiminy Heading to Southport
Matrix Reloaded Considering options
Maverick Heading to Southport
Mr Lucky Heading to Southport
Morning Star Continue Racing. Nth of critical area
Nexba Heading to Gladstone
Red Jacket Heading to Rivergate Brisbane
Runaway Heading to Bundaberg
Spirit of Downunder Heading to Southport
Surfdude Heading to Southport
The Edge Continue Racing. Nth of critical area
Utopia 2001 Continue racing
their of and racing again ! ....................... chinese whisper is nth of brisy already in 6 days ! average speed about 11 knts
That S&S34 is being sailed brilliantly to maintain those speeds. Impressive.
Obviously a great boat, from an unbiased independent poster.
That S&S34 is being sailed brilliantly to maintain those speeds. Impressive.
Obviously a great boat, from an unbiased independent poster.
yes they are holding off the other two quicker boats very well !!!
MS has had a dream run through the islands ! but look out the china rocket is coming !!
Its clear that Morning Star and the Whisper are screaming along, but after the cyclone diversion, buts its really hard to understand the rest of the race. Feels like a cruise in company for the rest of the group.
Still trying to work out why these class 40's are performing better.
i think short handed those 40.s would have been a real handfull off the breeze the last few days !!
probs had them reefed down so the auto helm could cope ??
Not at all , faster they go easier it is.
There is a video somewhere here of Shaggy's pogo at over 20 knots consistently.
No big deal
oh well, they seem to not be pulling away as they should , dont Know why ? they have had 25 plus up their 1/4 klacker for 5 days