Sorry about the picture quality, Miss Google has drawn a blank and it is driving me bonkers trying to find out where this club is (might be fictional but it is a nice design)
All thoughts welcome.
I tried and found these but their burgees dont match, maybe its a club thats demised
newport harbor yacht club
new haven yacht club
new hamburg yacht club
north haven yacht club
The right hand word on top line of manufacturers tag looks almost like "Australia", if youve got the burgee in hand can you photograph the label close up it might give a clue as to origin. Can we surmise its from an English speaking country being N H Yacht Club? And could we surmise that the "N" on top of the wheel means "North" so the club is North ??? Yacht CLub?
Yeah the boat is originally from Irvine, California and I thought maybe Newport Harbor but their burgee is an N in a circle. Yes the manufacturer is Australian, maybe it's just a demo.
Seemed easy, just ring the manufacturer - The Flag Centre of Australia, Wayville, SA. Pfft gone outta business...
Courtesy of Craig a CYCSA -
I made a call to an old salt - Problem solved!
I recall a group at North Haven marina in Adelaide that formed a yacht/ social club, 35+ years ago. I contacted one of the boat owners from that part of North Haven marina and although he wasn't a member described their burgee as a dark background with white writing and a ships wheel on it. The marina was built around 1980 and a group of boat owners formed the North Haven Yacht Club during 'stage 1' of the development. That 'Club' existed only for 10 years or so (1980 - 1990). The Club no longer exists, but I am pretty sure that it would have been the North Haven Yacht Club, located in North Haven (suburb of Adelaide) SA.
I can sleep peacefully at last.