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Bent rudder

Created by sunycoastguy > 9 months ago, 5 Oct 2016
QLD, 222 posts
5 Oct 2016 9:05AM
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Went to go for a sail on weekend and notice sturn anchor wrapped around rudder and bent it.
Now rudder scrapes hard on bottom of hull
Are rudders easy to take out, can it be done in water or will i need to take boat out
Any advice would be appreciated

NSW, 1659 posts
5 Oct 2016 10:17AM
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I have a spade rudder that CAN be taken out in the water as the rudder stock
goes through a tube that finishes above water line, but I wouldn't risk it and I
think you really should put it on the hard. It will be much easier to do the job
plus you can check the hull where it's scraped.

276 posts
5 Oct 2016 7:21AM
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Depends on construction . I had the same problem on a cat and was able to drop the rudder shaft down and out of the tube it was in[line tied around rudder first] and then took it to a local engineering firm that straightened the ss shaft in a press for free. Then I refitted the rudder and shaft from underwater again. Have a look at your boat to see how to remove it and whether it will leak if in the water.

SA, 525 posts
5 Oct 2016 10:50AM
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Yes, providing the tube that the rudder shaft goes through is undamaged - and the top is above the water line - it should be possible to remove the rudder with the boat still in the water. I did it with my cat, after snapping one of my rudders in half (photo).

I found that the biggest problem was the buoyancy of the rudder making it difficult to pull it down. I solved the problem by tying rope around the rudder so I had something to tug on. Having a hookah was helpful too.

QLD, 477 posts
5 Oct 2016 10:26AM
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I always have a small loop on top of the shaft so that I can use a shackle and line to lower the rudder and then, when it is repaired, to pull it back up the tube.

NSW, 7651 posts
5 Oct 2016 6:09PM
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sunycoastguy said..
Went to go for a sail on weekend and notice sturn anchor wrapped around rudder and bent it.
Now rudder scrapes hard on bottom of hull
Are rudders easy to take out, can it be done in water or will i need to take boat out
Any advice would be appreciated

I removed the rudder on my old M&W26 which is similar to your Holland. I made a net with weighted bottom edge and slid it over the rudder, released the top nut and let it slide out {my rudder tube went right through to the deck]. Most rudders will be full of water and just sink. I did mine in the middle of winter. This time of the year I would shift the boat into shallower water and just remove it there.

QLD, 853 posts
5 Oct 2016 6:30PM
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Every one here are assuming your rudder bearings are bushes and not needle rollers. I would not remove a rudder in water unless I knew exactly how everything fits or you could be looking for an urgent tow to a travel lift.

QLD, 222 posts
5 Oct 2016 10:24PM
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Thanks everyone for the advice, i think I'll take my chances and do it in the water as i dont have much steering to get it to a dry dock as it is
Although the outboard motor in the well will come in handy for a bit of steering, I'll let you know how i go

NSW, 7651 posts
6 Oct 2016 8:49AM
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Jode5 said..
Every one here are assuming your rudder bearings are bushes and not needle rollers. I would not remove a rudder in water unless I knew exactly how everything fits or you could be looking for an urgent tow to a travel lift.

The boat looks like a Holland 25. Probably a SS shaft through a SS tube to the deck. May not have any bearings of any description. A quick look down below at the stern will indicate what system is in place. I would think it's a SS tube glassed in.


Forums > Sailing General

"Bent rudder" started by sunycoastguy