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Forums > Sailing General

Experiences with the Compass 29

Created by Seebreasy73 > 9 months ago, 29 Sep 2018
QLD, 334 posts
29 Sep 2018 7:23PM
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Good Afternoon all,

I have been following these forums for some time and after some years of pondering getting a yacht the time has come to ditch the motorboat. Now in the process of getting a Compass 29, I would love some feedback from previous or current owners of the vessel.

The boat for it's 40+ age presents well, but because of the years there might be some issues to look out for. Also, some info I could not find anywhere, and it would be well appreciated if someone could comment.

#1. The height of the mast/ bridge clearance. I've got some confusing data on this and would be great if someone could know the right nomber.

#2. thru hull seacocks. My biggest worry - has anyone had them replaced and if so what cost could be expected to get these done.

#3. toilet conversion to holding tank. Has anyone done it and if so, how big of a tank and where on the boat

#4. any issues to look out for that potentially could be costly

Would be great to hear some feedback , please feel free to comment. Thank you

VIC, 5904 posts
29 Sep 2018 8:03PM
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hi SB73. 1 ..... mast height = measure it , connect a tape to a halyard and measure to the deck add about 600mm for lights ect on top and measure to the water and add that .

2. ..... through hulls ...... easy , you will be able to do that with instruction and or help from a friendly yard worker. No biggie

3 .. use a porta poty .... job done [ excuse the poo pun ]

4.... all issues can be costly , but hey we only live once !! motors , rigging , sails , rudders , mooring / marina ?

NSW, 891 posts
29 Sep 2018 8:07PM
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I purchased a C29 about 7 years ago as my first sail boat & loved it.
IMO they are a great 1st boat to learn on.

#1 I'm pretty sure the mast is 10mts from the deck
#2 I had all the thru hulls replaced when I first bought mine - see the Invoice from 7 years ago for an idea of costs
#3 I installed an electric toilet (happy wife = happy life) & later on installed a stainless holding tank under the port side V berth - I had also had a valve for bypassing it.
#4 Make sure the motor is still OK - they are getting on a bit these days but the Yanmars seem to go forever!!

There is a Compass forum with a great knowledge base!forum/compass-yacht-group

EDIT: I should add that I've never paid a marina for any work since this first time, I do everything myself these days - it's a great way to get to know your boat!!

QLD, 334 posts
29 Sep 2018 9:29PM
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thank you for the replies.

I was actually looking for a 31ft- or 32 ft boat, than I came accross the Compass. I liked the look and the full keel was a definite plus. After some research the mention of easy sailing and cruising nature of the boat was a big plus (I was looking for a relatively easy sailing/ cruising yacht to begin with) and a helm with a wheel oo - but what made me actually decide on the boat, (me being 6'3") was the surprising and unexpected headroom. In the Compass I do not have to bend my head going down below. I was so surprised to see most 31-32 ft boats (actually all I've seen except for the Catalina 30) not providing this "myvery own basic need".

I am handy with fixing things myself, but the boat will have it's pre purchase survey done soon and I was debating to have the fittings changed that time. On the other hand I may loose that money spent if the survey brings up some expensive issue and the sell falls through ( I do not expect it since just 6 months ago it had an insurance survey done with no faults listed). But again a lot of things can happen in 6 months.

As for the porta potty, it's not my thing: been there, done that but...yea, nah. As mentioned before by Lazzz, happy wife, happy life...
plus my marina requires me to have one. And I would like to keep the raw water option for blue water trips..

I was eyeing the storage under the seats/bunk by the other side of the toilet on the port side, but I suppose I could look at the space by the v-birth. I would have to go with an off shelf tank, since I was planning to tackle the project myself. not sure where to put the cam lock fitting though. The marina provides free pump out facilities so that is a plus.

Lazzz, what size of a tank you chose and ho often do you need to empty it?

The Yanmar had some serious money spent on it recently and the hour metre only shows 320 some hours. How far can be expected to motor on 50 litr tank of diesel?

I have seen a few videos where skippers were using only the jib to sail on at 6-7 knots on the Compass. Is the main sail so much non effective? Just thought it was something interesting to see

NSW, 2681 posts
29 Sep 2018 11:03PM
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My sister had a Compass 29 for some years and we used it a lot. They have good room for their length, are as comfortable in a sea as any boat that length can be and a pretty basic.

The Compass 29 is a great little boat but ....

They really don't sail too well. They suffer from considerable weather helm and they don't point. While many of us say we are cruising and speed isn't important, yes it is. Just getting to the anchorage in time for sundowners or to get back to the mooring to get home in time are everyday requirements.

I am not up on sub 30' yachts but others might be able to point you to something that meets your requirements and sails a bit better than the Compass.

QLD, 334 posts
30 Sep 2018 7:33AM
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MorningBird said..
My sister had a Compass 29 for some years and we used it a lot. They have good room for their length, are as comfortable in a sea as any boat that length can be and a pretty basic.

The Compass 29 is a great little boat but ....

They really don't sail too well. They suffer from considerable weather helm and they don't point. While many of us say we are cruising and speed isn't important, yes it is. Just getting to the anchorage in time for sundowners or to get back to the mooring to get home in time are everyday requirements.

I am not up on sub 30' yachts but others might be able to point you to something that meets your requirements and sails a bit better than the Compass.

thank you for the advice.. I had read comments about the weather helm and not pointing, but we are both coming back to sailing after a long gap, taking lessons as kids, so for us it is our very own first sailboat. And the full keel is also more reissuring and forgiving to hit the bottom with when it happens.

NSW, 7658 posts
30 Sep 2018 7:57AM
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Seebreasy73 said..

MorningBird said..

thank you for the advice.. I had read comments about the weather helm and not pointing, but we are both coming back to sailing after a long gap, taking lessons as kids, so for us it is our very own first sailboat. And the full keel is also more reissuring and forgiving to hit the bottom with when it happens.

I agree with Morningbird and would suggest something a bit more modern. There was an East Coast 31 that just sold in Qld for 22 grand. They come standard with wheel steering. I don't think wheel steering is a good idea on a Compass 29. I have sailed a Northerner 28 with a tiller and that was hard enough to go to windward. Only long keeler I would buy would be a Nicholson 32 with tiller steering.

NSW, 490 posts
30 Sep 2018 10:01AM
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While a good boat for cruising, the East Coast 31 will fail on the head room test. Perfect tho if you are under 6ft like me.....

My Yanmar is a 3GMD/20 Raw water. On the recent trip north and back, it did 1.5 l/hr in closed waters, 1.95 l/hr in open waters cruising at 6 knots.

QLD, 334 posts
30 Sep 2018 4:30PM
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Ramona said..

Seebreasy73 said..

MorningBird said..

thank you for the advice.. I had read comments about the weather helm and not pointing, but we are both coming back to sailing after a long gap, taking lessons as kids, so for us it is our very own first sailboat. And the full keel is also more reissuring and forgiving to hit the bottom with when it happens.

I agree with Morningbird and would suggest something a bit more modern. There was an East Coast 31 that just sold in Qld for 22 grand. They come standard with wheel steering. I don't think wheel steering is a good idea on a Compass 29. I have sailed a Northerner 28 with a tiller and that was hard enough to go to windward. Only long keeler I would buy would be a Nicholson 32 with tiller steering.

Actually happened to look at the very same boat and indeed, the Compass 29 felt (and was bigger in the headroom) in the beam there is only 1 foot difference. Plus this particular East Coast 31 had no bunks in the stern, so the inside space felt even less.

As for the Compass 29, judge me if you will, I actually love the look of it too and the missus too, which is defo a bonus

QLD, 334 posts
30 Sep 2018 4:36PM
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EC31 said..
While a good boat for cruising, the East Coast 31 will fail on the head room test. Perfect tho if you are under 6ft like me.....

My Yanmar is a 3GMD/20 Raw water. On the recent trip north and back, it did 1.5 l/hr in closed waters, 1.95 l/hr in open waters cruising at 6 knots.

That sounds great. The 15 HP Yanmar on the Compass will not be far off than. Sounds great!


Forums > Sailing General

"Experiences with the Compass 29" started by Seebreasy73