My BMS cut out my battery while I was using the electric winch to raise the keel. The cabin top electric winch is one to one and not ratcheting and it is used for the keel as well as halliards and raising the mast.
It is pretty much impossible to raise the keel using this winch manually. Luckily this episode happened at home but wouldn't be funny if out somewhere and needing to pull out, having run aground or go into shallow water.
What is required is a winch handle 12 in long or preferably even longer for emergencies. I would put this in the same category as an emergency tiller for a wheel steered yacht. I could probably make one from one of the various old steel 10 inch handles I have lying around by cutting it in half and welding a thick bit of piping over each end but that is kind of cumbersome.
Is anyone aware of a 12 inch winch handle or even longer? I believe they used to be a thing before electric winches and three speed winches but it seems no longer.
A quick search finds only 280mm and 290mm handles:
290mm: and
Perhaps you'll have to weld one or put a sleeve on one.
I have a socket wrench with a square bit that has been ground down to fit in the winch that I use on my cabin top winches.
I have a socket wrench with a square bit that has been ground down to fit in the winch that I use on my cabin top winches.
Thanks yes I have been looking at options of doing that and also products such as below which would permit a long handle although not a very convenient one as no upturned vertical portion.
I think I would want at least a half inch square drive in stainless.
If you want a long handle winch look at a breaker bar of suitable length and a get a winch socket per above