Hi All After searching the country ( via Internet during covid lockdowns) for a cheap home with its on jetty to retire too we found Wellington East South Australia on the Murray River near lake Alexandrina.
Despite extensive real estate and web search experience I could find no way of really searching for this type of property Australia wide.
Having relocated here from NSW late last year we are very pleased with our cheap chance find.
I thought I would post here for two reasons.
One we have a few properties around here currently for sale and we would love some more trailer sailer neighbours instead of more skiers and fisherfolk.
Two I just wonder what other gems around the country we missed and would love to know just for interest sake and I am sure others here would also be interested.
Our own choice, a ten year old two storey home, was purchased sight unseen originally mid last year costing $600,000 and is still only worth around $700,000 now. It is in a 110 waterfront properties ( 14 still vacant ) marina development and there are about 400 non waterfront lots with many of these vacant and most currently unserviced but at 1200 to 2000sqm making them suitable for off grid type living. We have a new council boat ramp with pontoon but only about 1.4m of water depth in the canals precluding keel boats. Most properties can reach the boat ramp mast up making them ideal for trailersailers stored at home. There are no bridges or powerlines preventing yachts accessing extensive freshwater sailing locations and there is lock access to salt water about 30 nautical miles away near Goolwa.
What did we miss out there?
So as to provide at least one response well done on your purchase in such a pristine water sports area - would guess that more than 99% of us on this forum would like to have that home and jetty and vast sailing waters as immediate access - but can't..................
As regards your follow on post with your Imexus 28 - never heard of those before but they look superb for your plans, similar volume to some apartments and a heap more useable............I can't get my head around up to 170hp auxiliaries for this type of yacht/boat/floating home but understand the advantages.........would put a Yamaha 9.9hp high thrust 4 stroke outboard on it as maximum and reduce a lot of unneeded weight but still get to ~6kts or more under power.........
Interesting posts you feature in for the yacht over on trailersailerplace ..................good review here
170hp here
We found a fairly cheap waterfront and fitted our own jetty. Not a single house in view, 27 acres with roos, koalas in the street, echnidnas and platypus, and 10m depth 6m from the shore.
There is a slight problem in that the "waterfront" is on a creek 200km inland and the sailing is restricted to a 100m by 60m wide stretch, but at least there's no bull sharks at 930m above sea level.
Hi R13 I didn't think such a cheap option for a waterfront home existed here in Australia either which was in part the reason for the post. One to alert other trailer sailers to this option for here and Two just to see if my searching had missed anywhere else really neat. If you have a home in NSW vaguely near sailable water just about anywhere then it would surely be worth at least $600,000 so can't isn't a strictly financial matter it's dictated by other issues. The same goes for Vic and even most of southern Queensland and WA.
Re the unusual big engine on my yacht there are places and things achievable with it beyond the reach of more conventional trailer sailers that I have already used and more I am intending whilst generally agreeing it isn't often required. Running the surf break at rivermouth bars is just one example of the many of options it does however open up generally unavailable to 5 to 9.9hp hull speed limited auxiliary's.
It looks like there's some interesting cruising; similar in flavour to the East Coast UK stuff that Maurice Griffiths wrote about.
I worked around that area during the millennium drought, down stream from Wellington it was very low tide, for long enough that the vessels in the goolwa marina had grass, well weeds growing around their keels. I've wanted to go and sail the lakes since the water returned but have not had the chance yet, apparently the wind shifts can be dramatic
Yes I believe it was pretty bad for a relatively short time and helped create the furore that is the Murray Darling environmental water flow plan. There was a channel here out to the river and the river is over 20 metres deep in places right here. Exposure of acid sulphate soils in Lake Alexandrina and Lake Albert created huge concern and it's unlikely to be allowed to happen again I feel.
Regarding wind shifts it's not so much that, in my limited experience now, as much as the fairly shallow lake and almost inland sea sized fetch that can kick up some fairly uncomfortably steep waves if trying to beat into the wind. Coming out of Wellington East onto the river however seems to always offer a downwind sailing option.
Out of interest we don't have tides here due to the barrages between the islands at the mouth of the Murray holding the lake above sea level but the same wind driven water movement mentioned above can raise and lower water level depending on the wind direction. A southerly pushes the lake water up here whilst northerly drains it out into Lake Alexandrina. It's an interesting phenomena that doesn't effect adequate trailer sailer sailing depth but would be a problem for deeper drafts.
I hope you and everyone else is safe in these floods?
Whilst it is either tragic or very worrying for those further upstream we are fine down here and are very likely to remain so. There are no pinch points between Wellington East and Lake Alexandrina a nearly 300 square kilometre lake allowing the floodwater to dissipate over this vast area rather than backup and cause significant flooding like further upstream.
They haven't even opened all the barrages down around Hindmarsh Island yet which hold the lake well above sea level and therefor keep the salt water from migrating upriver and damaging much of Adelaide'a water supply and multiple irrigation areas. .
I was on the paddlers at Echuca in the floods of 1993. They built a levy then but it was breached and flooded the caravan park. we had to stop running the steamers because we couldn't get under the Moama bridge, weeks later with the tourists on board I'd point to the dirty water mark left on the bridge at a height of about 30 foot and all would be amazed. of course, the higher the river the faster it flows, which makes it more difficult to round up when going downstream so I was quite happy to have a few days off.
I have been contacted by a lot of people concerned about high flows in the Murray River knowing we have relocated to Wellington East. I did a lot of research before retiring here now confirmed by long standing locals that whilst the Murray can break its banks down here even the record 1956 flood event would not have inundated the canal homes here in Wellington East as these were built well above that flood peak.
I read with concern the likely impact further upstream and wish everyone up there well.
Just a footnote to my earlier post. We have just purchased again here in Wellington East and the prices here still shock me as to their affordability despite some significant rises since opening this thread some time ago.
We have secured a 1708sqm lot with a 50 metre water frontage with its own boat ramp along with a serviceable 1995 vintage modest 3 bed 1 bath house for about the price of the cheapest freestanding home in the worst suburb in Sydney. We purchased for under $700,000 a single level brick home with outstanding lake views and the ability to drive in forwards beside the home, swing across the back yard and turn up and back my 28 foot yacht down a concrete ramp beside a jetty. Then upon retrieval we can drive out forward again which is just as well as the gap for the driveway down the side of the house is tight at 2.9 metres. A 30 meter back up with a huge trailer sailer with this kind of clearance would be a very challenging exercise. There are other newer waterfront homes (not requiring renovation) on normal sized blocks currently here for sale well under $800,000 and a block with brand new jetty for under $400,000. All these homes have mast up trailer access to a new high quality, little used public boat ramp and pontoon with picnic area, toilet and small beach making our new property with its own boat ramp a rather indulgent luxury! I really posted here to encourage other trailerable yachties to consider a move to this unknown corner of Australia to increase the proportion of sailers amongst the fishers, river cruisers and skiers who make up the bulk of the residents here in this tiny forgotten 110lot canal development near Lake Alexandrina In SE South Australia. To date it has made an excellent base for a couple of travelling early retirees being just over an hour from Adelaide by freeway and close to Wineries, a major Motorsport park ( The Bend ) and with good road access to both Vic and NSW as well as a back route to go up the middle to QLD and NT which we recently used to tow our yacht up to The Whitsundays. There are even a significant number of very large (1,200 - over 2000sqm) non water front lots available here with similar mast up trailer access to the boat ramp starting at under $100,000 for those without a hankering to park their yacht on their own backyard jetty.
So as to provide at least one response well done on your purchase in such a pristine water sports area - would guess that more than 99% of us on this forum would like to have that home and jetty and vast sailing waters as immediate access - but can't..................
As regards your follow on post with your Imexus 28 - never heard of those before but they look superb for your plans, similar volume to some apartments and a heap more useable............I can't get my head around up to 170hp auxiliaries for this type of yacht/boat/floating home but understand the advantages.........would put a Yamaha 9.9hp high thrust 4 stroke outboard on it as maximum and reduce a lot of unneeded weight but still get to ~6kts or more under power.........
Interesting posts you feature in for the yacht over on trailersailerplace ..................good review here
170hp here
It seems that the Imexus relies heavily on substantial water ballast for stability while sailing which must obviously be exhausted before trailing, and perhaps (fast) motoring. It seems that some people exhaust the water ballast by running the outboard at substantial power with the boat approaching the plane. This option would not be available with a 9.9 so presumably there is a hefty pump which could also exhaust the ballast (albeit more slowly)??
I don't think the boat would suit me but it's interesting nevertheless. Saw a McGregor 26 in a roadside camping area whilst stopping on my way up to the Whitsundays and also a different one on the way back last month so there are quite a few of those similar concept boats around. YouTube channel Barefoot Doctors bought a McGregor 26 for a few months and reviewed it quite comprehensively when their near new leopard 50 burnt to the waterline and they were awaiting a new boat. I appreciate that the Imexus is a cut above the McGregor 26 room and fitout wise :).
The waterfront sounds very interesting but I have discovered since buying a boat on Lake Macquarie and being trapped in there for 18 months that I really need to sail on the ocean to be happy and a lock + 30 km on a river would make it a mission for me.
Just out of interest it cost me around 750 dollars in petrol to tow my trailer sailer from the Whitsunday is to Sydney one way last time. This was using every fuel saving trick in the book including letting the speed drop to extremely slow up hills, getting passed by trucks (new experience) and not traveling above 100 kilometers an hour except on a few downhill stretches. It is however substantially lighter than an Imexus. This equates to around 11 litres per 100 kilometers in a Mitsubishi Challenger. It goes well against the grain for me to travel slowly and on the way up there keeping on the gas although still avoiding needless fast acceleration and doing 110+ wherever possible resulted in a fuel bill nearly double.
An apartment or house in Cannonvale or Airlie beach with the boat on the hard at the sailing club for just over 200 per month would probably suit me better. I don't think I could hack summer up there and wouldn't want the liability of the boat up there in Cyclone season either. If I bought a house I guess the trailer sailer could be adequately secured with concrete blocks at home. Adelaide would suffer the same problem climate wise as Sydney and perhaps worse in so far as I would want to get out of there in winter.
I take my hat off to you Grith however for having the balls to make the move and I'm glad that it suits your needs.
P S. If you store your boat with mast up periodically check that it is draining properly as I discovered to my horror after returning to my boat at Airlie beach after three months that mine didn't and that six inches or so of water had been sitting in there.
So as to provide at least one response well done on your purchase in such a pristine water sports area - would guess that more than 99% of us on this forum would like to have that home and jetty and vast sailing waters as immediate access - but can't..................
As regards your follow on post with your Imexus 28 - never heard of those before but they look superb for your plans, similar volume to some apartments and a heap more useable............I can't get my head around up to 170hp auxiliaries for this type of yacht/boat/floating home but understand the advantages.........would put a Yamaha 9.9hp high thrust 4 stroke outboard on it as maximum and reduce a lot of unneeded weight but still get to ~6kts or more under power.........
Interesting posts you feature in for the yacht over on trailersailerplace ..................good review here
170hp here
It seems that the Imexus relies heavily on substantial water ballast for stability while sailing which must obviously be exhausted before trailing, and perhaps (fast) motoring. It seems that some people exhaust the water ballast by running the outboard at substantial power with the boat approaching the plane. This option would not be available with a 9.9 so presumably there is a hefty pump which could also exhaust the ballast (albeit more slowly)??
I don't think the boat would suit me but it's interesting nevertheless. Saw a McGregor 26 in a roadside camping area whilst stopping on my way up to the Whitsundays and also a different one on the way back last month so there are quite a few of those similar concept boats around. YouTube channel Barefoot Doctors bought a McGregor 26 for a few months and reviewed it quite comprehensively when their near new leopard 50 burnt to the waterline and they were awaiting a new boat. I appreciate that the Imexus is a cut above the McGregor 26 room and fitout wise :).
The waterfront sounds very interesting but I have discovered since buying a boat on Lake Macquarie and being trapped in there for 18 months that I really need to sail on the ocean to be happy and a lock + 30 km on a river would make it a mission for me.
Just out of interest it cost me around 750 dollars in petrol to tow my trailer sailer from the Whitsunday is to Sydney one way last time. This was using every fuel saving trick in the book including letting the speed drop to extremely slow up hills, getting passed by trucks (new experience) and not traveling above 100 kilometers an hour except on a few downhill stretches. It is however substantially lighter than an Imexus. This equates to around 11 litres per 100 kilometers in a Mitsubishi Challenger. It goes well against the grain for me to travel slowly and on the way up there keeping on the gas although still avoiding needless fast acceleration and doing 110+ wherever possible resulted in a fuel bill nearly double.
An apartment or house in Cannonvale or Airlie beach with the boat on the hard at the sailing club for just over 200 per month would probably suit me better. I don't think I could hack summer up there and wouldn't want the liability of the boat up there in Cyclone season either. If I bought a house I guess the trailer sailer could be adequately secured with concrete blocks at home. Adelaide would suffer the same problem climate wise as Sydney and perhaps worse in so far as I would want to get out of there in winter.
I take my hat off to you Grith however for having the balls to make the move and I'm glad that it suits your needs.
P S. If you store your boat with mast up periodically check that it is draining properly as I discovered to my horror after returning to my boat at Airlie beach after three months that mine didn't and that six inches or so of water had been sitting in there.
Sailing/motoring from Sydney to The Whitsundays takes way more time and generally actually consumes more fuel than towing a trailerable yacht there in discussion with many owners of larger yachts up there. Many now chose to leave their yachts up there despite the huge marina fees as the journey is just too long and arduous. We exited cold Adelaide in winter to sail in tropical Queensland without epic sailing journeys and next winter are planning on 3 months out in The Kimberley's. Having enquired at the Whitsunday Sailing Club and even having been a member there previously their precious hard standing for trailerables is now reserved for those regularly racing during their season and unavailable for the type of use you are proposing and which I did for a season and a half in the past. PS I don't know what kind of trailerable you had previously but with multiple internal halyard exit holes around the base of my mast there isn't ever going to be any water trapped in there.
I completely understand that cruising a trailerable yacht is only going to interest a few people but now having done so for over eight weeks onboard with my partner very comfortably I can safely say it is entirely feasible with the right setup and opens a whole new world of accessible cruising destinations and new anchorages within established cruising grounds unavailable to most regular yachts. It also allows a direct waterfront home much cheaper and in many more locations than a deep keel and/or a fixed mast yacht. Pictured below is a unique fringing reef protected (anchorage!) in The Whitsundays perfectly protected from the then 30knots plus winds and reflected swell!
Oops Forgot to mention I have fitted an outlet to my water ballast tank which allows me to drain it by portable 12v pump whilst at rest.
I can also hook it up directly to my seawater supply system to utilise the stored seawater when dried out. This not only allows seafood processing when dried out along with first dishwash rinsing etc. but it also allowed me to do a complete hull clean/scrub with pressure wash cleanup as after 6 weeks out cruising my yacht was growing a substantial beard as it isn't antifouled.
That monster outboard is rarely used as we love to sail but it does occasionally come in handy to get somewhere fast usually directly upwind.
Further to my original post has anyone found a way to search for homes for sale with jetties or immediately adjacent moorings around Australia? We are very happy here in Wellington East SA but I now admin a very active Facebook site Trailer Sailer Cruising Australia and people have asked how we found our retirement on the water home. Despite both my partner and I being realestate junkies and very well researched I still haven't found an aggregating realestate site to search for homes for boaties with navigable water frontage.
We found ours almost completely by accident when just browsing realestate.com during the Covid lockdowns. They had widened their adjoining suburbs lists and Wellington East popped up as an adjoining suburb to Hindmarsh Island which it doesn't anymore. That's how we stumbled on this tiny 110 lot forgotten canal development which is a trailer sailers paradise and is virtually unknown even to South Australians close by never mind those in Adelaide or further afield.
The Old Mate just retired to woko-land . Waterfront at Yamba with beach/ramp/jetty for $1.6m+ . Has Trailer Sailer on mooring out the front + not on a canal ! Lots of water to play in !!
Further to my original post has anyone found a way to search for homes for sale with jetties or immediately adjacent moorings around Australia? We are very happy here in Wellington East SA but I now admin a very active Facebook site Trailer Sailer Cruising Australia and people have asked how we found our retirement on the water home. Despite both my partner and I being realestate junkies and very well researched I still haven't found an aggregating realestate site to search for homes for boaties with navigable water frontage.
We found ours almost completely by accident when just browsing realestate.com during the Covid lockdowns. They had widened their adjoining suburbs lists and Wellington East popped up as an adjoining suburb to Hindmarsh Island which it doesn't anymore. That's how we stumbled on this tiny 110 lot forgotten canal development which is a trailer sailers paradise and is virtually unknown even to South Australians close by never mind those in Adelaide or further afield.
"Afloat" magazine has a section in the back. This is a free magazine in NSW but you can access it online.
The Old Mate just retired to woko-land . Waterfront at Yamba with beach/ramp/jetty for $1.6m+ . Has Trailer Sailer on mooring out the front + not on a canal ! Lots of water to play in !!
That's more like it. Plenty of water to play in reasonably warm and close to even warmer places. That road in could use a bit of work though as it resembles a warzone with filled in bomb craters everywhere.
Kay Cottee seems to think it's all right too and last I heard she even owns the marina.
The Old Mate just retired to woko-land . Waterfront at Yamba with beach/ramp/jetty for $1.6m+ . Has Trailer Sailer on mooring out the front + not on a canal ! Lots of water to play in !!
That's double what we paid which left us a lot of money to go travelling and enjoy the wineries around here! :)
We go North for the Winter with our trailer sailer and stay out of the heat and humidity in the summer down south. No flooding this close to Lake Alexandrina as well.
Further to my original post has anyone found a way to search for homes for sale with jetties or immediately adjacent moorings around Australia? We are very happy here in Wellington East SA but I now admin a very active Facebook site Trailer Sailer Cruising Australia and people have asked how we found our retirement on the water home. Despite both my partner and I being realestate junkies and very well researched I still haven't found an aggregating realestate site to search for homes for boaties with navigable water frontage.
We found ours almost completely by accident when just browsing realestate.com during the Covid lockdowns. They had widened their adjoining suburbs lists and Wellington East popped up as an adjoining suburb to Hindmarsh Island which it doesn't anymore. That's how we stumbled on this tiny 110 lot forgotten canal development which is a trailer sailers paradise and is virtually unknown even to South Australians close by never mind those in Adelaide or further afield.
"Afloat" magazine has a section in the back. This is a free magazine in NSW but you can access it online.
Just went online and looked at afloat and no homes with jetties or adjoining moorings for sale that I could find. Still searching for a site that aggregates these type of properties for sale.
I am still looking for a site that aggregates properties for sale with canal frontage, private jetties, private moorings just out front or similar properties specifically targeting boaties.
I subscribed to Afloat on a recommendation here but since that time have yet to see a single property as described above for sale there so that's definitely not the solution. Has anyone found a way to search for these type of properties across all of Australia that is really effective? I will have a vacant northfacing waterfront with jetty rights block for sale shortly and might be willing to also sell our current adjoining waterfront 4 bed 2bath 10 yo 2 storey home with jetty. We are just about to move into our new smaller older waterfront home on a much larger block as we are finally almost finished renovating. We purchased the vacant block next door to our current home to accommodate our yachts and other watercraft and our truck and camper and to build a single level home for our dotage at some future time. Our lucky find of an older smaller single level home here on a much larger waterfront block means the vacant block is now definitely surplus to requirements. We intend to keep our existing home to rent for income but would be willing to sell with change out of $1,000,000 even after stamp duty. Our location here is so unknown to Australian boating enthusiasts that it is almost unfindable and is way undervalued ( in my view) and perhaps close to the cheapest place you can buy a waterfront home with personal jetty anywhere in Australia. Wellington East South Australia for those potentially interested. Pictured below is our current home which has 9.2kw of solar making for no electricity bills and the vacant block next door. 1st photo pre solar panel installation. Our local high quality local boat ramp about 300 metres by road and 150metres by water can be reached mast up due to underground power.
Best thing - underground power = on trailer,with mast up .
Therefore,with ramp close,no need for waterfront ?
Best thing - underground power = on trailer,with mast up .
Therefore,with ramp close,no need for waterfront ?
Have to factor in the risk factor of a patroling cop or jealous neighbours when the area becomes more developed.
Best thing - underground power = on trailer,with mast up .
Therefore,with ramp close,no need for waterfront ?
Still much more convenient to walk out into the backyard and sail off for a sunset cruise and back a couple of hours later than the time and effort of the launch and retrieve process. It does however make the again much cheaper waterfront homes here in Wellington East attractive to yachties and boaters generally with even smaller home buying budgets.
We have finally moved around to our hopefully final home purchased 12 months ago here in Wellington East. This is after a gruelling renovation now nearly complete. The new purchase and renovation has delayed our planned Kimberley's cruise and extracted far too much money and time from our retired life's remaining account! Still it is likely our last move and provides an ideal travelling/sailing/kayaking base likely to keep us boaters well into our dotage. Shortly we will be selling our prior northfacing much newer 2 storey home with jetty and the adjoining vacant block where we were originally going to build our final home. A larger waterfrontage and personal boat ramp were just too tempting! Located at 23 Jefferson Court and 25 Jefferson Court respectively they are both 756sqm blocks (although this does include some canal) and both have fibre to the home NBN available/connected for those who can perhaps move and work from home pre retirement. Great little community virtually crime free although shops and services are 10klms up the road at Tailem Bend or 25klms at the much larger Murray Bridge which has all the big box stores including the likes of Bunnings and BCF. For those with a motor racing as well as sailing interest the massive brand new Motorsport complex The Bend is about 10klms away and features the worlds second longest permanent motor racing track built to formula 1 standard as well as a world class 1/4mile dragstrip and also features a huge variety of other Motorsport activities like a go cart circuit, 4x4 and rally driving training areas and much more. Back here in Wellington East our adjoiing 1klm square 4kn speed restricted lake (no jet skiers or wake boats hooning around) is however a minimum depth of around 1.45 metres making it suitable for trailer sailers and cats but not deep keel yachts. This lake adjoins the Murray river via two openings in a barrier island and a highly regarded historic pub The Wellie is just on the other side of the river reached via a short trip on water or by free 24hour car ferry located very close by. Asking prices result in significant change out of $1,000,000 including stamp duty for our prior home and around $400,000 including stamp duty for the block and at these they might be worth a thought from city bound boaters looking to live with their craft in their backyard.
Our prior house has 9.25kw of solar panels and power is virtually free. It also features mature fruit trees and veggie patches providing a large amount of our food supplies supplemented by shrimp, yabbies and fish caught of our pontoon jetty.
Diagonally across the canal Is our areas little used quality boat ramp with picnic area, toilets and launching pontoon which can be reached mast up from these properties due to the areas power and services being underground. The federal
govenment has just provided $2,400,000 to connect the homes here to potable water within 12 months as currently we rely on rainwater and it doesn't rain much here. Gardening is by freely accessed pumped riverwater.
Just a note. Our vacant waterfront block has been sold right on our expectation price (never went to market) whilst our previous home is still available and awaiting a small tidy up. 34 Jefferson Court Wellington East went up for sale at $1,5-1,600,000 very close by and admittedly much nicer.
What is this your own private real estate page ?.
Plenty of people selling boats and boating related stuff for sale on here. I couldn't find anywhere to general non specific location search for boating related waterfront homes with jetties on the internet. I originally opened this thread just to alert boating enthusiasts to this very cheap forgotten corner of South Australia if they were interested in a home on the water with their boat in their own backyard.
A dream for some boaters.
I now have a surplus home with pontoon jetty myself to sell having purchased another more modest one here but on larger land also with its own private boat ramp.
Stepping onto your yacht or boat right from your own backyard must appeal to some boaters on here. This should be at least as interesting a post for some here as posting some secondhand sailing gear or yet another yacht/boat/dingy for sale. If not interested why not just move on.