In situ with limited tools.
I could pick holes in his process, but he is dealing with what it is,
For a novice he is doing a pretty good job.
(What's this part called, rod? I don't know.)
I wonder how much that spare part kit would be landed in Australia
Hi Andrew
I would guess $3000 in that little pile. Maybe more $3500?
But I could be way off.
Individually the parts are really expensive, but a new set of sails every 10 years vs an engine rebuild after 30 years doesn't seem so bad to me.
Certainly a better deal than a new engine.
One point about the vid is he said, " I think I have sleeves there".
From the pile I saw nothing the size of sleeves.
So, will wait and see how he handles that.
Sleeves will surely be expensive.
For that cost you would want to be sure that the engines was salvageable and all the bolts could be undone.
Part II is out !
For a bloke who didn't know a con-rod from a piston.
He has done a great job and he should truly be proud so far.
As soon as he said, "They is in the freezer right now." I felt he was going to make it.
P.S Thanks for posting Andy
It is back in and running.
he goes through the pricing, Andy.
Even the price of a new Yanmar 2GM 20 in the states ......
I have been following this as well. Thanks for posting Gary.
I have a 3GM20D of slightly older vintage and I have been thinking of doing a rebuild. I have played with petrol engines before, but not diesel. I would get the injector pump done professionally, but otherwise it all looks pretty much the same. Good to have heads up on the special tool for the crank nut.
But mine is raw water cooled, not a fresh like his, so that decision may change after the engine is pulled out and stripped down. The head was serviced last year and the gearbox is 3 years old, so they are factors in my decision as well.
I got a price a couple of years from Minards for a replacement 3YH20 for just over $11k. I haven't yet priced a rebuild kit.