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Good source of marine grade wire around Melbourne

Created by HG02 > 9 months ago, 6 May 2014
VIC, 5814 posts
6 May 2014 7:04AM
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Any links for a good source of Marine wire around Melbourne?

NSW, 7656 posts
6 May 2014 8:43AM
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Jaycar sell tinned wire.

NSW, 701 posts
6 May 2014 10:47AM
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Jaycar has a marine arm;

VIC, 344 posts
14 May 2014 5:01PM
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Ebay can work out really cheap for stuff like this. Otherwise yes i've bought marine grade 2core wire from jaycar.
They also sell the heat shrink that has the hot glue sealant inside of it. I?ve tried the liquid electrical tape and I?m not a fan.

VIC, 5814 posts
14 May 2014 9:55PM
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SirJman said...
Ebay can work out really cheap for stuff like this. Otherwise yes i've bought marine grade 2core wire from jaycar.
They also sell the heat shrink that has the hot glue sealant inside of it. I?ve tried the liquid electrical tape and I?m not a fan.
Ive looked around every where for two VDO Gauges oil and temp found this on E bay to be very reasonable
oil, temp , and voltage with sensors compared to retail stores so its in the post. So now making a new engine panel with four holes as I bought a fuel Gauge off him as well with sender
Dropped into Jaycar on the way home and bought a couple of 10 way fuse holders they have a built in LED light so if a fuse blows the LED does not light up make it easier than pulling fuse out to see what one is blown

Ill recess the units inside a small door to hide the wiring in my panel
Probably should have bought this one instead

Includes a cover

Might take them back tomorrow

NSW, 2140 posts
14 May 2014 10:50PM
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Generally Jaycar is cheap Chinese junk and likely not suitable for long term use in a marine environment. If you really want the best for your boat then may I suggest you cast your net further than your nearest Jaycar or Altronics store and try specialist marine dealers ....and even then look very closely at the quality of what you are considering to put on your boat. ..... Above all ...Caveat Emptor.

VIC, 5814 posts
15 May 2014 7:17PM
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Well I changed the fuse box over to the other one. I'm happy enough with what I have there reasonably water proof on the back and the fuse cover has a seal inside the lid and Ill spray every thing with a good quality spray which Ill buy at work . Where this is going has nothing to do with any of the yachts nav lights anchor light or navigation system thats a separate system altogether or any thing to do with it . Ill use a expensive blue seas DC panel for that.
Meant to add this is for some strip LED's that will be fitted inside all the storage compartments on the boat . Example would be under the settee birth's

it has a maximum of 25 amp


Forums > Sailing General

"Good source of marine grade wire around Melbourne" started by HG02