Bloody hell,
I am glad we left when we did.
We had the low following s all the way up the coast and we are stuck at Manly with a stuffed gearbox but I would rather that than what I am seeing in NSW.
We had some fun weather coming up the coast, a few restless nights and a 42 hour passage to Southport from Port Macquarrie but at least we suffered no damage and had a relatively (by comparrisonn) good trip north.
Finally got on board this afternoon (Glades Bay) , 1 bucket of water in the bilge and a deck\cockpit that looked like I'd had a high pressure gurney over it.
What a worrying week that was.
you little beauty I just taught myself how to add pics to my text .I think ill go and have a lay down now., It on ly took 2 hours.
According to the Seabreeze forecast we have another blow tomorrow. This time about 30kts from the south west.
I went looking for that blow with my storm sail on the inner forestay. Got to the middle of the harbour and lolled around in nothing. Instead had a glorious sail today. [edit: oh, turns out it was up to 30 kts today. Gee, wish I had an anonometer]
By the way, I spoke to the local Maritime Safety Officer today to tell him about a mostly submerged vessel and he said he'd been personally involved with 30 sunken vessels in the Harbour from this last storm plus another 30 or so that had beached or sitting low in the water from the rain. I also saw a boat or two (couldn't quite work it out) up on the rocks of South Head. The damage was almost exclusively on the north side of the Harbour.
On Saturday morning I was motoring my boat back to the mooring and went past a guy at seaforth bluff who was standing in the front hatch of his small yacht, bow down. It was very low in the water and as he stood there water was flooding out of the front hatch. So boat must have been pretty full.
I offered him a bucket but he declined.
I don't think he saw the humour.
My bay seemed to have gotten off pretty lightly as we are protected from the south and east.
Really is was more the fetch or swell exposure that caused problems.
We get a pasting when it is from the west but there is not a long fetch to build up much seaway.