Hi All
I'm about to replace the mooring gear for my cat and I think it's time for a new float too. Previously I'd tried to apply vinyl lettering to the old buoy and they lasted about a week. Then I tried permanent marker but that bleached away in the sun. I've bought some car touch-up paint to use this time but I was wondering if anyone else has suggestions.
Try reflective tape that is used on the lifejackets.
Stays on and makes the buoy easy to find in the dark.
Maybe letterbox and house numbers that you get from Bunnings and attach with self tappers. Problem might be no letters, only numerals.
Avery Adhesive vinyl, needs to be the 900 series. The stuff from Whitworths is rubbish and only a cheap version. There is also a marine wrap product you can cut it from. Boat wrapping is becoming more and more popular now. Change your colour and design in a day on the slip!
Most of the vinyl designs on the sides of boats is similar to the Avery 900 series, I have some on the side of mine that's lasted 10 years so far, and is only damaged where the dingy or a fender has rubbed.
You'll need to get it done by a printer with a vinyl cut plotter, but they shouldn't charge you much. PM me and I might be able to get it done for you.
If you don't mind me asking why do you need to put a name on the mooring ?
Is it a requirement in NSW
Regards Don
Hi all, thanks for the suggestions.
Michael, thanks for the vinyl name, I knew there must be one that would work but couldn't source it.
Don, nah mate, not the name, just the mooring license number. 5 pesky little numbers.
Fair enough
Here in Tassie MAST send out a green tag when you pay you mooring registration ( $70 ) each year with the mooring number on it and you just attach it to the mooring
Regards Don
Lazzarae, you might have to move over to the other side of the lake. My mooring is only $171 concession at toronto.
My mooring in Elvina Bay Pittwater has a different number on each side. When I first started parking there it caused us a bit of confusion as to where has our mooring gone