Noticed that the output spigot on my bilge plump has snapped off inside the hose. Haven't managed to get it out of the hose yet but quite a bit is left on the pump so possibly I can re attach it without the bit that snapped off. Alternatively I could epoxy the old bit on but the whole area is a bit oily and inaccessible so that option isn't the greatest.
It seems that most modern bilge pumps don't use an integral float valve and certainly not ones with a heavy ball inside. Mine is of that type and is also made entirely out of orange or possibly originally red plastic.
Is anyone familiar with what brand that might be and whether they are still available as it would be nice to get one where the screws in the foot line up with the existing. Tapping new screws into the hull is never fun. Doesn't look like Whitworths stock anything like this.
I bought 12v submerge bilge pumps off Aliexexpress and switch them with a Waterwitch switch. I bought two and just replaced one a couple of days ago. They are cheap enough to buy two or three at a time and carry a spare. The quality is excellent and the one that failed had the impeller come off the shaft. I put the impeller back on and ground and roughened the centre up and put a drop of JB-Weld on and it's now the spare. I shall buy a couple more though just in case.