Just read this on "Noonsite.com" I don't want to comment on the story not knowing the facts.http://www.noonsite.com/Countries/SouthAfrica/the-tragic-loss-of-carly-hill
Some more info regarding the sad loss of Carly Hill .......
As an aside, Oryx is a modified Bernd Kohler design, LOA 33' Bi-Plane Junk Rig. Bernd Kohlers designs are all drawn to be built in plywood with epoxy sheathing.
The official South African Rescue web site story .....
Very sad in deed
As the caption said below this photo
Some life lines may have helped stop this disaster
Very sad and tragic news.
I sail alone all the time and have been guilty of not tethering to the jack line in benign conditions; not any more though after reading this. A similar tragedy occurred a few years back to a couple sailing their yacht between Sydney and Pittwater. If I remember correctly the wife went below to sleep and woke to find her husband missing. The conditions were also benign. Hopefully we all will learn from Carly's tragic loss.
Very sad! I've said it before at a minimum have a plb in your pocket, tether and wear an inflatable life jacket while on deck.