I am new to sailing but have just had a change in my personal circumstances and have the opportunity to fullfil my dream, take some time out and sail a boat from the US back to OZ.
I am looking for someone to come with me.
I am 36 years old. Single and I am an Executive with an international company.
My ideal sailing mate would be my age or younger. With open ocean sailing experience.( a lot more than me)
I will buy the boat and cover most of the expenses.
Please let me know if you are interested or if you have any ideas on how I can get some candidates.
Gee Trav, you could get a job writing Nigerian email scams. When do you need the contribution to free up your funds?
Could you provide a few details to verify who you are, what type of boat, the journey etc.
My apologies, I am a sailor. Superstitious and suspicious.
With all these first time posters this week, it might have something to do with school holidays.
That being said, I'm down for a Pacific trip
hahaha no scam. Would probably go a Jeanneau 42 or bigger. I would actually need a hand picking the right one. I reckon if i got the purchase right I can almost cover the cost of the year away in the profit on the boat? maybe.
I am 36 live in Sydney and I am recently single after 8 years.
with the dollar the way it is against the US $ you may be better buying a boat here or in greece .
If you do go to the US or Canada , The " Island Packets " should be on your list, as well as " Naughticat "
they are well built cruising yachts . Jenno,s are built to a price point to meet the rental market . In other words light weight and thin.
good luck on your adventure . its very doable especially if you have someone on board with you that you get along with. and if you can follow another boat that has experienced skipper on board .
There is a mob here in Oz that gets groups of sailors buying boat in USA and sailing them back together ( safety in Numbers sort of) That was a couple of years ago not sure if its still going
two, three or four boats would be ideal ..........it would allow for crew to be swapped around to suit different situations
If its a second hand boat it is likely to need some work before you can cross an ocean like the Pacific. Have you costed this? Also 5% import duty, 10% GST, fumigation, customs clearance etc.
Boat has to be registered as an Australian ship before you depart. Add Gst for the diesel and victuals to your costing too.
Deck cargo to an Australian port like Newcastle is probably the cheapest way to do it.
Personally I would wait till one of the American cruisers put their boats on the local market to sell it instead of sailing uphill home.
trav please see other thread on mottle 33 .......... a lot closer, and bargain !!!! perfect first yacht !
Nice offer though,
if you do it the other way round ! (I have the yacht) and pay someone for your expiernce you may come better off than what your proposing.
But I must add you must look good in a bikini! Haha
Does gst apply to boats over 2 years old??
when I moved countries gst was payable only on items newer than 2 years old. Is this different for boats?
trav my pic pic would be the beneteau 43 Cyclades , as seen in "la vagabonde" you tube vids. theres about 4/5 currently
for sale in different part of the world from 80-120 usd.