Following in from Don's thread about his main sail.
where is the best place to get second hand sails?
I know there is the guy on ebay but he doesn't leave me very convinced and his prices are a bit high.
i tried calling the guy who advertises in the afloat magazine but he never got back to me.
I am after head sails and an ayso i need about a 12m luff on the ayso.
Hello twodogs1969
our - dubious to some, reputable to others - friend who also sells boats has an ad on Gumtree for used sails. There are also a few others on Gumtree...a few for headsails; haven't seen any for asymmetricals.
I'm also looking for a a second-hand asymmetrical with a luff about 8m.
Hi selkie
there is a guy on gumtree from Brisbane time to time I have not seen the NSW one on there.
there use to be a few selling secondhand sails in sydney
John Hearn and i think there was one near Hornsby . I know John is now running one of the Chinese lofts.
I usually use my furled headsail but thinking of doing a bit more racing so i need a few more but don't want to spend $8000.
search some of the older adda i am sure i have seen a couple close to the size you require advertised and some 13 m ones
The Hornsby guy....Second Sails.....moved to Orange some time ago. I think another one has popped up around the St Ives area.
Hi two dogs and Selkie,
I have a furling assymetrical including the furler that I was going to sell, if I ever pulled my finger out.
It was kept from my last boat, and was made by Quantum/Tony Bull (Galatea on SB) and has only been used about 4 times before we sold the boat, and is in as new condition, with sailbag. I have purchased a larger top down one from Tony again, for the current boat.
I will find the build sheet for it. with dimensions and see if it may suit you.
Pm me if you may be interested, and I can dig up the invoice and some photos.
regarding headsails, did you need hanked or for a furler? I have some in storage that weren't used when we fitted a furler.
Again I can dig them out if you could use them.
Pm snt crusty
I have a foil pretty sure it is a 5.5mm i am.after a number 1,2,3 & the ayso if anyone has something for sale
I have bought headsails and one main off Alan on eBay for my previous yacht. Also from individuals on eBay. Private sellers are usually much cheaper than Alan and It pays to study the photos carefully.
Anyone interested there are 3 ayso spinnakers on gumtree all to small for me different sizes I think would suit from a 24-30 ft boat.
Interesting thread.
My 2ic insists she can make them...and. why not?
Chopesandbro floats on love not looks
Does anybody else know how to sew?
I have an industrial machine that does zigzag. Zigzag does look good but it's not essential. Straight stitch lengthened out to the max and then double or tripled is more than adequate, especially if your sewing on a new foot on a loose footed main. The right thread and needle in an old treadle Singer will handle a lot!
I am very happy with these 2nd hand sails
One of the sources especially if you know what you are looking for is check with the association as often active racing classes see a rapid turnover and you can get good value that way main from a paper tiger OTB cat and assy VS 15
There is also a group on Facebook that sometimes has secondhand sails along with plenty of other stuff.
Hopefully the link works: Aussie Yachties Buy Swap &