Maybe check out these guys on YouTube if you haven't already.
Talk about a crazy adventure!
For those who don't know them, briefly; girl who has never sailed and a guy who has sailed fly to Canada from Byron Bay with not much money and buy an old Wooden boat and sail it back here.
They buy the boat off an ex drug addict (tattooed face) in Vancouver and it's snowing and she needs plenty of work.
This boat has no proper cockpit, no lifelines, no dodger etc etc. And I think it's called a gaff rig.
I don't think they had any plotter and just used an iPad and phone.
Some of the footage of the storms and twin water spouts is amazing.
Then they run out of food on the way over and set up a Patreon page so they can get some money to eat.
The girl Eryn is an amazing character, always smiling or laughing no matter what's going on around her. Look in the dictionary under "kooky" and there should be a photo of her.
She would be many people's ideal crewmate; she looks great, has a wonderful happy nature and is ready to go up the mast or hank on a sail out on the bowsprit in lousy weather.
I'm sure she gets all the attention but it was the guy Simon who had the idea and the skills to make it happen so for me he gets a big thumbs up also.
I think they are now talking about sailing around Cape Horn !!
Call them what you will (and they've been called a lot) but to me it's an amazing adventure and one that I will remember long after I forget most of the other sailing vlogs out there.
Maybe check out these guys on YouTube if you haven't already.
Talk about a crazy adventure!
For those who don't know them, briefly; girl who has never sailed and a guy who has sailed fly to Canada from Byron Bay with not much money and buy an old Wooden boat and sail it back here.
They buy the boat off an ex drug addict (tattooed face) in Vancouver and it's snowing and she needs plenty of work.
This boat has no proper cockpit, no lifelines, no dodger etc etc. And I think it's called a gaff rig.
I don't think they had any plotter and just used an iPad and phone.
Some of the footage of the storms and twin water spouts is amazing.
Then they run out of food on the way over and set up a Patreon page so they can get some money to eat.
The girl Eryn is an amazing character, always smiling or laughing no matter what's going on around her. Look in the dictionary under "kooky" and there should be a photo of her.
She would be many people's ideal crewmate; she looks great, has a wonderful happy nature and is ready to go up the mast or hank on a sail out on the bowsprit in lousy weather.
I'm sure she gets all the attention but it was the guy Simon who had the idea and the skills to make it happen so for me he gets a big thumbs up also.
I think they are now talking about sailing around Cape Horn !!
Call them what you will (and they've been called a lot) but to me it's an amazing adventure and one that I will remember long after I forget most of the other sailing vlogs out there.
Got a link Cockpit?
I've resisted abbreviating your name as I usually do...
When Eryn says "the depth sounder is really cool, you're going along and you see like 2 or 24 fishes" or she says to Simon "talk about Columbus". Classic!
This has got to be a fake video, in the vomit shot there is not a trace of carrot, and everyone knows that in every vomit there is always carrot, also whoever who has dreadlocks ever washes them! I reckon they are just a couple of out-of-work actors who have just been sailing around San Diego Bay during some rough weather and are putting on ozzie accents just so they can sell another 'reality adventure' to their friends in Hollywood. Then again some people tell me I have occasionally been wrong, I always call it' just a little wide of the mark', but just occasionally though.
Try this very short one;
Nice boat. They have a real plotter and use the phone for calculating etc. But best of all they have a really new looking Monitor windvane. They seem to be spending their money wisely. The video quality is also excellent.
This has got to be a fake video, in the vomit shot there is not a trace of carrot, and everyone knows that in every vomit there is always carrot, also whoever who has dreadlocks ever washes them! I reckon they are just a couple of out-of-work actors who have just been sailing around San Diego Bay during some rough weather and are putting on ozzie accents just so they can sell another 'reality adventure' to their friends in Hollywood. Then again some people tell me I have occasionally been wrong, I always call it' just a little wide of the mark', but just occasionally though.
If there is no carrot were there at least corn kernels as it is very well known among the cognoscenti that corn kernels are a legal and valid substitute item.
This has got to be a fake video, in the vomit shot there is not a trace of carrot, and everyone knows that in every vomit there is always carrot, also whoever who has dreadlocks ever washes them! I reckon they are just a couple of out-of-work actors who have just been tooling around San Diego Bay during some rough weather and are putting on ozzie accents just so they can sell another 'reality adventure' to their 'mates' in Hollywood. Then again some people tell me I have occasionally been wrong, I always call it' just a little wide of the mark', but just occasionally though.
If there is no carrot were there at least corn kernels as it is very well known among the cognoscenti that corn kernels are a legal and valid substitute item.
Well spotted LooCh (sic), there was indeed some corn, but that's the exception that proves the rule. I reckon that corn came from one of their other 'mates' making a reality cooking show not more than 30mins earlier in a backyard overlooking San Diego Bay, the recipe was more than likely a corn and chilli relish topping on a vegan burger atop a sourdough wholemeal bun. This 'mate' also puts on a half-passable ozzie accent and constantly name drops his other 'mates' Jamie Durie and Olivia You Know Who.
Poinient that old mate said that he wanted to see things before they and him are gone /dead I recon.
Seen them in Brunswick heads befor Christmas have moved on now wishing them fair winds looking forward to follow there adventures