My tachometer wasn't working when I took MB for a motor this afternoon. No reading at all. It comes off the alternator and the charging circuit was working fine.
I pulled it out and played with the connectors and when I started up it gave a reading but very low and once it got to a reading of about 1000rpm (engine was doing about 2000) it wouldn't read any higher. Over about a minute or two it slowly dropped to zero.
It was working ok last week but has occasionally played up in the past but a gentle shake usually fixed it.
Any ideas? I hate electrics!
My tachometer wasn't working when I took MB for a motor this afternoon. No reading at all. It comes off the alternator and the charging circuit was working fine.
I pulled it out and played with the connectors and when I started up it gave a reading but very low and once it got to a reading of about 1000rpm (engine was doing about 2000) it wouldn't read any higher. Over about a minute or two it slowly dropped to zero.
It was working ok last week but has occasionally played up in the past but a gentle shake usually fixed it.
Any ideas? I hate electrics!
Ive often thought about the app below for a boat motor but you would need a DMK Analog Engine Monitor Model AEM 14 @ @ US $499 that uses a a apple app
And if he knew how to install the DMK analogue engine monitor then he would possibly also know how to fix his tacho.
BTW, the torque app is basically useless apart from monitoring basic engine functions, which you already do from your installed instruments.
You're right LC. I am not very useful with electric string and even worse as a shipwright. But I can read engines and mechanics like a book.
My tachometer wasn't working when I took MB for a motor this afternoon.
Any ideas? I hate electrics!
I think you might have thumped it too many times. If it is VDO, you are looking at about $200 for a replacement and probably a $zillion to fix the old one.
Try the auto accessories shops, Auto Barn etc. They sell tachos and say they will fit them too but I don't think you will have much luck with that.
Come on mate, a bit of pussers resource fullness needed here.
Edit:- Good advice from HG.
Hi MB, any progress on your tachometer ...?
I did fix a few VDOs, bigest problem with some is
they are not design to open, and than it is a big job to open
and not damage front face.
If you think, it's better option to tested even repair than try to find
and fit a replacement , no problem just post it to me.
I have top instruments to test anything , this is just a fraction.
Looks like a great setup, I see you have the most important tool ready but only two hammers?
I think HG's second comment on checking the earth is good advise.