Thought we might see a few small waves over in the West this weekend. The Seabreeze graphs don't seem to reflect it though.
The surfers are all frothing about the forecast. A storm the size of Australia with half an ocean's worth of fetch has got to pick up the swell a bit you'd imagine.
I'm having second thoughts about maidening a brand new board this weekend... I hope all boaties are aware of what's about to come knocking.
I like the Bom Interactive Weather and Wave Forecast Maps
you can select your part of the coast.........
I often take my boys out to a great wave that is off Point Napean, just inside Port Phillip, the only wave on our section of coast that works with a Southerly and it's an all time classic wave. I'm a kneeboarder myself, but prefer to stay with the boat when out there.
It's going to be a big session at Margret River on the weekend, and Shipsterns in Tas will have them frothing. I wouldnt mind betting that a crew will head out to Pedra Branca as well.
here is a pic of one of my boys surfing a wave just west of Cape Otway.
[URL= .html]
and my eldest surfing a beach break in Sydney's Northern Beaches:
[URL= .html]