Whatever the timber is R2D2 it would not have been anything exotic or expensive especially where there is a likelihood of it being painted.
Every photo ive seen of it looks like Meranti to me, (some folk call it maple, if Meranti sounds too posh for them)
bought a LED stern light off ebay
ended up being to bigger diameter ( had two diameter measurements)
So I cut it up to suit my good old Perko stern light holes sawed the bannet globe holder out of the perko base and will slikaflex the LED to the base and then polish and assemble and screw it back on
Original looks like this still with the old number plate globe inside
mod so far
I removed the stainless cover on the LED stern light and ground the LED acrylic base down to suit the old Perko base . The perko stainless cover is in the hot wash at work Ill hoping to get all the barnacles and thirty plus year of crud off it
Have been thinking of fitting port and starboard navs light to the side of the hull
Just zipped down to the boat and fitted up the stern led . The cowling is to pitted so I painted it white the chrome was to far gone but she should see me out
Started fitting my fridge mountings as the other fridge arrives next week. I moved the compressor as I have to make mountings for them at the weekend and get that epoxied to the hull
I sailed the most part to Tasmania with a silicon bike light on my stern rail. Mast heads lights completely failed, so for an anchor light I attached a head torch to my boom with a cup full of scrunched up aluminium foil to reflect light. Thank God my bow Nav nights didn't poop themselves, well thank God for ais. I know a lot of people hate on ais, but it near saved my ass on a solo passage. Container ships are beautiful at night, but scary to wake up to a 3nm alarm with one blaring down on your bow.
more nav lights the better helps if some fail , Thats why I am thinking of port start board hull lights in LED . That stern LED is fully sealed and Im real happy that I could use my old stern light as a bases .
Hope to chase you around the bay next spring SirJman
Im really happy being able to use most of the old stern light and having an LED in it.
Thanks I feel that timber is Meranti , its been out in the weather for years and the off cuts Ill use for framing and the shutters Ill use in my fit out.
I used some tonight as part of the fridge mounting and Ill add a few pieces to it over the weekend .
Round Hill Creek has a published min depth of 0.7 however local knowledge has it at 0.5 at the mouth. I basically work on the premise that it dries & use 2.5m of tide to get in & out.
It's a fantastic place to stay with a variety of spots to drop the pick depending on your draft.
I don't like doing this but have decided to cut this original loured door down to fit in front of the fridges its approximately the same depth and will match in with the color of the smaller louvered doors . It uses a simple biscuit join corners so it wont be to difficult.
Spent last night onboard sorting out navigation lights, all OK now.
This was the scene this morning, no need to go to Tasmania I think, for now anyway!