Forums > Sailing General

What fitting is this?

Created by Azure305 > 9 months ago, 9 May 2019
NSW, 402 posts
9 May 2019 2:19PM
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I have this fitting mounted on the starboard side, right up near the bow just down from the toerail. I have no idea what it is.
I submit it to the brains trust, can somebody help please.

many thanks

NSW, 328 posts
9 May 2019 3:25PM
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Looks like some sort of chain dog to me. Don't know why it would be mounted there

WA, 1605 posts
9 May 2019 1:50PM
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Looks like an outboard support for an awkward type anchor.( Danforth or Admiralty maybe

QLD, 685 posts
9 May 2019 4:14PM
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as Jolene said admiralty anchor support

NSW, 328 posts
9 May 2019 5:32PM
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Yep that makes sense

513 posts
9 May 2019 4:11PM
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That is exactly what it is bet your boat is from South Australia.

NSW, 402 posts
9 May 2019 7:24PM
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Thanks to all.
Yep, I'm with Jolene. In context now it makes sense. And yes Will, my boat started life as a bareboat charter out of Port Lincoln SA. I still have the original typewritten "instruction manual" from the charter co.

NSW, 331 posts
9 May 2019 7:51PM
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Wow, will those three screws hold if the bow runs into a steep oncoming wave and ploughs into solid water ?

NSW, 402 posts
9 May 2019 8:07PM
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Karsten said..
Wow, will those three screws hold if the bow runs into a steep oncoming wave and ploughs into solid water ?

Good point. Although it's bolted on, I think the stress cracks at the bottom show that it wasn't too happy. I'll never use it, and probly end up removing it anyway.

NSW, 2140 posts
9 May 2019 11:22PM
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Karsten said..
Wow, will those three screws hold if the bow runs into a steep oncoming wave and ploughs into solid water ?

The stress cracks are probably only in the gel coat and possibly due to the holes not being countersunk.


Forums > Sailing General

"What fitting is this?" started by Azure305