Forums > Sailing General

Where to launch a Hobie 16 in North Perth

Created by Frank11 5 months ago, 29 Jul 2024
1 posts
29 Jul 2024 11:04PM
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Hi All
My family and I are new to Perth. We recently bought a Hobie 16 and I am trying to find a place to launch from a "river bed" (not a boat ramp) on the Swan River and later to launch around Hillarys or surrounding areas from the beach and sail on the ocean.

There is hardly no information to this effect and I am hoping I can get some advise here.

Many thanks

WA, 986 posts
29 Jul 2024 11:50PM
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You can launch on the beach by the Mosman Bay Sea Scouts on the northern side of the river. The Johnson Street boat ramp. It's a beach by the boat ramp. Not super busy.
you can launch on the Ocean at Pinnaroo Point just north of Whitfords Beach. John Wilkie Tarn is the address just off Whitfords Avenue, it's where the Whitfords catamaran Sailing Club (now defunct) used to sail from. It's a disused beach boat ramp. You used to be able to get a key to the gate from the Joondalup Council.
there is a catamaran sailing club at Jervoise Bay Sailing Club out near Woodmans Point. Good active club that sail on Sundays throughout the summer sailing season.
You can probably also easily launch on the north side of Hillary's marina. Beach launch in what we call "Cozy Corner". Good parking, easy access to the beach and sheltered from the Doctor and the swell.
a further launch could be the Attadale Boat Ramp although this is on the South shore of the river near the spit called Point Walter. Although a busy little boat ramp, it has sandy beach either side and is perfect for rigging and sailing in the lee of the land in summer.
There is of course the Coode Street wharf over on South Perth foreshore where the catamaran hire place is. You are hemmed in by the causeway and the narrows bridge, but sailing in front of the city is nice.
Last spot I know of is near the Applecross Sea Scouts. The road runs along in a sheltered bay just by the point. Come to think, you could also probably launch at Melville Waters foreshore, but can be busy when the wind is up with windsurfers and foilers.

hope you find a spot that the whole family feel comfortable at. Happy wife, happy life.


Forums > Sailing General

"Where to launch a Hobie 16 in North Perth" started by Frank11