No, Bruski it was not my intention to pick on multis at all. Perhaps it is my fault not putting a smiley face after the sentence l wrote?
( last week there was an emergency message transmitted hourly on MRch16 about a navigation hazard, approximate coordinates included, few miles out from Macquarie Lighthouse, an overturned large catamaran!!!)
Chris, thanks for your words, you read my comment correctly and l agree with what you wrote.
The ten degrees difference in pointing ability could mean, that you are climbing off a lee shore or you are getting into trouble. By that time even the motor might not be much help.
The ability to point higher is essential to win races in most cases, thuss if you are a cruiser it is perhaps more of a good thing to have than an absolute necessity, unless you are in the above mentioned situation.
I do not understand sailors who are of the opinion, that sailing up wind is either un-gentlemanly or troublesome
. It is the essence of the Marconi rig. If it was not invented, we all would be sailing man of war fashion and our pointing ability would be somewhere between 6 or 7 points to the wind instead of 3 to 4 points.
Sailing close to the wind is fun, is exciting, it needs certain determination and ability not mentioning the will to sacrifice some of ones comfort in the name of a thrilling experience.
As far as the engine is concerned, it is a poignant reminder of our slavish adherence to technology and our modern mindset. Whoever, the use of an engine in certain situations is inevitable. I use mine too if l must.
For some, motoring is as natural as flicking the box (tv) on when arriving home. Never ever contemplated to be without it. Joshua Slocum must be turning in his grave.
Have to agree about the joys of upwind sailing
Here you go Chris
I think that's the best solution I've seen