hi looking for any advice or experience on getting a 33 well founded yacht from Sydney to Geelong asap.
Options are sailing although not the best time of the year (June) or freighting it down on a truck
many thanks
Normally I'd suggest pack her up with food and drink and motor/sail down there. But the weather indeed isnt good the next week.
Have a look back through this forum there is a thread Im sure about trucking yachts, you might find some phone numbers.
I did this same route via truck earlier this year. Cost about $3800 just for trucking. Lift out/ in and rigging would be additional. I think spent pricey $1300 @ Pittwater for rig romoval and travel lift. $600 for crane Geelong end, and got crane to lift mast back up. Geelong has no travel lift, so Sandringham (other side of bay) maybe be easier in that aspect. I used boat transport (mark Anderson). They worked well for me. Another option recommended to me by a fellow club member was Allboats. I got similar quotes from both. Timing of truck availability settled me in one over the other. I'd suggest contacting both for quotes. A quick google search will bring up thier contact details. Oh, and measure how wide your boat is as they will want know that. A regular 33' monohull should be fine, but above certain width the road authorities deem it a wide load with all sorts of expensive requirements. Escort vechiles daylight only etc
I your boat the phantom people were telling me about today?
This is my delivery. The big yellow beam under my boat is the truck trailer.
Yes it is one in the same lol
i think i have your number from from a friend in the club. Just got back from Sydney tonight will call tomorrow