I was browsing anaconda and looking at kayaks and came across a fishing version photo below
Then had thoughts of doing away with the zodiac and buying two of the kayaks and storing them on each side on the boat as such
The above have four fishing rod holders and then my thoughts went to making them also into a cat via bending some aluminum tubing in a loop to slide into all four of the fishing rod holders and and then connecting both kayaks as a catamaran via a spectra slashing similar to a wharram cat set up so both hulls are flexible .Trying to make one item do many things in a small yacht once that was perfected add a very small outboard either electric or a 2 HP for grocery shopping trips
What Idle minds do
Idle minds? Nah. Contemplating minds! More likely.
I use my little 2.4 meter sit on polypropylene si gle seater as a tender for years. If the need arises, l am utilising my also 2.4 meter inflatable l have but that has not seen much service lately.
The kayak is light and nimble, almost fun. I carry everything l need on board, fuel, food, vine and l strap it to the bimini frame athwartship above the tiller. It is brilliant.
However, l would never ever contemplate making it into something never been intended.
There is precious little space on a 28 as you probably already realised.
When l use the blow up boat, l must store it in the V-berth with other largish items.
I wouldn't be too keen on having them outboard of the deck/lifelines in anything more than very benign conditions.
So you never going anywhere where the water is cold then.
Ive lived on the west coast and east coast of Tassy Lydia. Quite happy to sail there with or with out kayaks Lydia But I think Ill store the zodiac in the V berth and use a kayak as much as I can. Free radical is right tied down on deck and also Id still make a holder of some design that could be removed quickly
Sorry for the lopsided photos.. once again i have no idea why they randomly self rotate. ANYWAY. I love the inflatable kayak. stows on deck, partially deflated, or in its back . I also put it in the cock pit locker. Works well. love the portablilty. also can get 3 in it and loads of beers, fuel, shopping etc!!!! Very bouyant.
Sector Steve
That main sail track is what Id love to do to my stay sail track roll a curve in it and use it like on Hanse as a self tacking stay sail
Sorry for the lopsided photos.. once again i have no idea why they randomly self rotate.
Sector stev if its an apple I phone take the photo with the phone side ways and use the volume up switch on the side of the phone then the software knows its the right way up . If its doesn't work throw t over board
Or do what i do threaten the phone that It will be throw over board
Only male phones though
We carry 2 Hobie inflatable kayaks which are great for a paddle round an anchorage or to explore creeks and back waters. To use a kayak as a tender is not a good idea unless you want to go ashore and have sundowners with a wet backside but more important it is not easy to get on and off a kayak on to a yacht with a bit of chop, so we carry a 10' rib in the dingy garage with a 3 hp motor. The 3hp keeps the weight down so as to make it easy to get the dingy up and down the beach. If we need to travel any distance we also carry a 15 hp in the front sail loft which is easily crained out on a halyard. This is one of the nice thing with a 57' yacht.
Sorry for the lopsided photos.. once again i have no idea why they randomly self rotate.
Sector stev if its an apple I phone take the photo with the phone side ways and use the volume up switch on the side of the phone then the software knows its the right way up . If its doesn't work throw t over board
Or do what i do threaten the phone that It will be throw over board
Only male phones though
4 phones in last 3 weeks, 6 this year. im shocking with them...im using a samsung. yeah that traveller on the TH is great, right out of the way. love it.
We carry 2 Hobie inflatable kayaks which are great for a paddle round an anchorage or to explore creeks and back waters. To use a kayak as a tender is not a good idea unless you want to go ashore and have sundowners with a wet backside but more important it is not easy to get on and off a kayak on to a yacht with a bit of chop, so we carry a 10' rib in the dingy garage with a 3 hp motor. The 3hp keeps the weight down so as to make it easy to get the dingy up and down the beach. If we need to travel any distance we also carry a 15 hp in the front sail loft which is easily crained out on a halyard. This is one of the nice thing with a 57' yacht.
something like your boat jode5 will go on my vision board...!!!!!
self tacking headsail?
I wouldn't be too keen on having them outboard of the deck/lifelines in anything more than very benign conditions.
if anything can go wrong, get caught etc, it will. those kayaks outside the lifelines...dodgy.
Shes a beautiful Boat Jode5
Wondering how you fixed your solar down on the bimini Jode 5
My dilemma seems to come back and haunt me
Where to locate my solar panels The only thing I can think of is two places one similar to yours where its would be a large enough area is a question on my little boat . The alternative or another area is the cabin roof (240 Watt) but if I tie down my zodiac to the cabin roof there goes my other solar location.
If it was fitted to the cabin roof Id fit 4 smaller panels so shading would be limited to one or two panels from the mainsail and boom
Semi flexible panels I'm talking there.
Id say when sailing for a day or so Ill have to deflate the zodiac as space is limited
The wind gen after emailing the manufacturer is 400 Watt its all variable
Thinking of the same lately.
What about the lifelines?
I replaced my lifelines with 5mm on top 4mm on the bottom and 7mm on the trasom as l hate the thin cheese cutters. The previous ones, thin plastic covered ones, broke and l fell into the water in the front of the bar at the marina. So they are strong enough to walk on or hold solar panels on both sides. I was thinking a flip up type application on the two quarters. Inside or outside? That is the question.
Hi HG,
The panels are 120watt zip on's which can be easily removed. You are correct about using mulittle panels if you have a shading problem as one bit of shade on a panel will render the entire panel useless no matter what size. At least with multiple panels you only loose the panel that has shade on it. Mounting panels on the deck is a real problem.
Hi HG,
The panels are 120watt zip on's which can be easily removed. You are correct about using mulittle panels if you have a shading problem as one bit of shade on a panel will render the entire panel useless no matter what size. At least with multiple panels you only loose the panel that has shade on it. Mounting panels on the deck is a real problem.
It's a lot worse when it's a 28 foot Ketch Jode 5 it's been plaguing me for a couple of years what to do( Ketch or no ketch I'm so thank full Scaramouche donated the Ait X to my cause Ill do some work for him to help cover its cost. but that will definitely help the house batteries
I'm thinking now focus on the main mast and rigging sort out the profurl , genoa and patch the mizzen rigging for now till mid next year and seen how it all fits together as a live aboard. Which they were not really intended to be
All good Ill sort her.
Scaramouche and myself hope to sail out to Deal Island before easter next year so it has to have some sea miles around the bay before that happens
Ill be definitely fitting a bimini for shade and keep the rain off a little as the pedestal will be fitted below the bimini
My bimini used to hold a smallish 40w panel wich was swapped for a new 120w one.
I used the same brackets and all, fitted nicely.
The main thing when one is fitting things to a frame, any frame for that matter, if one makes it solid, it is going to brake! If one makes it rubber mounted it is going to last forever. It is even more so on my motorbikes.
So my relatively large (1300×650mm) panel is shaking a bit but it is good. It is transfering very little stress to the bimini's S/S frame.
PS: To you 2tonner, yes, it happened on the front of the terrace of the bar on Saturday morning at Scarborough Qld. Except l was not inebriated at all, l was working on my 'new' yacht.
I had quite a few people laughing while shouting me drinks in the arvo, thou.
My bimini used to hold a smallish 40w panel wich was swapped for a new 120w one.
I used the same brackets and all, fitted nicely.
The main thing when one is fitting things to a frame, any frame for that matter, if one makes it solid, it is going to brake! If one makes it rubber mounted it is going to last forever. It is even more so on my motorbikes.
So my relatively large (1300×650mm) panel is shaking a bit but it is good. It is transfering very little stress to the bimini's S/S frame.
There's a lot of difference riding a rubber glide HD than any other Harley
Im even mounting my fridge motors on Insulators
Even some Walkers have their motor solid to the engine frame there lots of difference in noise out come between the two.
Nice idea sir gallivant
I was browsing anaconda and looking at kayaks and came across a fishing version photo below
Then had thoughts of doing away with the zodiac and buying two of the kayaks and storing them on each side on the boat as such
The above have four fishing rod holders and then my thoughts went to making them also into a cat via bending some aluminum tubing in a loop to slide into all four of the fishing rod holders and and then connecting both kayaks as a catamaran via a spectra slashing similar to a wharram cat set up so both hulls are flexible .Trying to make one item do many things in a small yacht once that was perfected add a very small outboard either electric or a 2 HP for grocery shopping trips
What Idle minds do
I like the look of the bracket on the top picture, it keeps the kayak out of the way but still easily accessed.
As a full time liveaboard cruiser Ho2 I would advise a good tender is a must if living onboard. Some days the weather can turn foul while your onshore and getting back to the boat can be a challenge,
also how do you get from the kayak up onto the boat? My guess your about 6 foot? Bags of shopping? Cartoons of beer? Backpackers from Latvia? Fuel? Gas bottles? Clean laundry?
My advise get a good tender. How about those fold up boats you can strap them against your lifeline rails? Other than that a good zodiac inflatable With a 12 volt pump.