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realising the possibility of extended cruising

Created by Sectorsteve > 9 months ago, 15 Mar 2016
QLD, 2195 posts
15 Mar 2016 9:39AM
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Recently got a mortgage on a house 144km from Sydney where i run a business and work. Client base is spread all over in sydney and nearby where i live. where i live now is absolute paradise. This summer season ive harvested about 20kg of tomatoes, same with potatoes, about 10kg Zuchini, lotsa corn, lettuces, beetroot, radishes plus much more. Have established apple, peach, plum, apricot, feijoa, lemons, nectarines and pears and drink really nice southern highland rainwater filtered from the tank. Its been a dream of mine to live like this forever, but one thing is suffering. My sailing. Im going less and havent been in nearly 2 weeks. Id normally be out everyday. Another thing thats getting hard is tolerating Sydney when i go there. THe less time i spend there, the more i loathe the place when i go there.
So i was home the other day and a revelation hit me. I can go long term cruising on my tophat after about 12k of additions and about a year or even less of prep/work on boat. Rent the house out on an interest only loan leaving a bit of cash left over for the house kitty and just go.
This has now taken over my life and ive already started to prep. The intended route would be Syd to NZ, maybe via lord howe for a look. In nz id like to anchor at Taipa(top of north island) where ive got a beach house to use, then bay of islands, GReat barrier island, Kawau island, other islands around auckland, then over to Coromandel, right around to Mount Manganui and to east cape where ive got friends.
After this head north east to tahiti. Still not sure which islands i want to visit. Def the cooks. Need to do alot of prep beforehand and need to learn about weather systems and prevailing winds etc so not too much sailing on the nose. I think my boat can do this, and they have proved theyre a robust vessel that the ability to circumnavigate and handle some surprises.
I just feel like life is too short to not do this and this has been a dream for a really long time - even before i started sailing. Sailing is really important to me and every time i go, i get sad when the day is over. In the last year ive had a heart attack and some organ failure and if times short, i dont want to waste it working. I find when you make a decision thats "right for you" things fall into place to help that happen. This has already been happening so i feel it is the right path. Pretty lucky really to be able to make such a choice. Im sure many would love to, but life can get in the way of such dreams making it hard to make something like this happen.

VIC, 457 posts
15 Mar 2016 10:47AM
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May Good luck, Fair winds & following seas, be with you on your quest for freedom

143 posts
15 Mar 2016 10:30AM
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Yes if everything is falling into place and you feel like doing it then happy sailing and good luck.
Don't forget about thorough preparation though. The trip will be all the more enjoyable if you are well prepared.

QLD, 2195 posts
15 Mar 2016 12:44PM
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zilla said..
Yes if everything is falling into place and you feel like doing it then happy sailing and good luck.
Don't forget about thorough preparation though. The trip will be all the more enjoyable if you are well prepared.

Yes thanks Zilla. Need to prep alot. It does freak me out a bit. especially the tasman crossing.

WA, 396 posts
15 Mar 2016 12:22PM
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Good stuff Sectorsteve!
My wife and I are just starting our cruising life living onboard our yacht.
Rent the house out chucked the jobs in and just doing it. I was actually made redundant (which is what I wanted) so that helps financially.
Too many people wait too long before living the dream.

QLD, 285 posts
15 Mar 2016 3:22PM
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QLD, 2195 posts
15 Mar 2016 4:50PM
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NowandZen said..
Good stuff Sectorsteve!
My wife and I are just starting our cruising life living onboard our yacht.
Rent the house out chucked the jobs in and just doing it. I was actually made redundant (which is what I wanted) so that helps financially.
Too many people wait too long before living the dream.

excellent!! where are you now and whats your intended route?

QLD, 222 posts
15 Mar 2016 4:58PM
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Thats awsome, go for it, cant wait to hear about all your adventures, it'll be a few years before I get to do it

VIC, 605 posts
15 Mar 2016 6:17PM
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Go for it Sector - most of us wait too long.
regards allan

WA, 396 posts
15 Mar 2016 3:41PM
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Sectorsteve said..

NowandZen said..
Good stuff Sectorsteve!
My wife and I are just starting our cruising life living onboard our yacht.
Rent the house out chucked the jobs in and just doing it. I was actually made redundant (which is what I wanted) so that helps financially.
Too many people wait too long before living the dream.

excellent!! where are you now and whats your intended route?

We are currently in Batemans Bay marina.
In about 3 - 4 weeks, we will be heading north, mainly doing day trips and anchoring at night time.
We intend to get to Hervey Bay around about the middle of June and make that our base for a couple of years while having a good look up and down the coast from there.

NSW, 891 posts
15 Mar 2016 6:52PM
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Meg1122 said..


I've got another coupla years yet - then ....................:)

QLD, 2195 posts
15 Mar 2016 5:58PM
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NowandZen said..

Sectorsteve said..

NowandZen said..
Good stuff Sectorsteve!
My wife and I are just starting our cruising life living onboard our yacht.
Rent the house out chucked the jobs in and just doing it. I was actually made redundant (which is what I wanted) so that helps financially.
Too many people wait too long before living the dream.

excellent!! where are you now and whats your intended route?

We are currently in Batemans Bay marina.
In about 3 - 4 weeks, we will be heading north, mainly doing day trips and anchoring at night time.
We intend to get to Hervey Bay around about the middle of June and make that our base for a couple of years while having a good look up and down the coast from there.

sounds great!! i rode my motorbike from my place down to merimbula on the weekend checking out anchorages on the way! Narooma looks good, as did Ulladulla. really nice bit of coast. are you up the river a bit at BB? i probably saw your boat

NSW, 1531 posts
15 Mar 2016 8:12PM
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Like to live in a washing machine for a while Steve?

Check this out! Between Aug.2006 and Aug 2009 this guy sailed around the world in a19 feet long tub built for the lakes in Switzerland in the early seventies.

Nothing is impossible!

WA, 396 posts
15 Mar 2016 6:33PM
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Sectorsteve said..

NowandZen said..

Sectorsteve said..

NowandZen said..
Good stuff Sectorsteve!
My wife and I are just starting our cruising life living onboard our yacht.
Rent the house out chucked the jobs in and just doing it. I was actually made redundant (which is what I wanted) so that helps financially.
Too many people wait too long before living the dream.

excellent!! where are you now and whats your intended route?

We are currently in Batemans Bay marina.
In about 3 - 4 weeks, we will be heading north, mainly doing day trips and anchoring at night time.
We intend to get to Hervey Bay around about the middle of June and make that our base for a couple of years while having a good look up and down the coast from there.

sounds great!! i rode my motorbike from my place down to merimbula on the weekend checking out anchorages on the way! Narooma looks good, as did Ulladulla. really nice bit of coast. are you up the river a bit at BB? i probably saw your boat

Nah, we are at the marina which is pretty much at the start of the river.

QLD, 1153 posts
16 Mar 2016 8:17AM
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live the dream Steve you never know what might happen tommorrow

1 posts
16 Mar 2016 7:12AM
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Reading this makes me slightly jealous

Follow your heart and make it count, you only live once as they say!

VIC, 5814 posts
17 Mar 2016 12:18PM
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Absolutely go for it mate it costs a bit more to set your boat up to do it but you can't take it with you
Two year max for me before I'm off aswell

NSW, 1442 posts
17 Mar 2016 4:27PM
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Way to go Steve,

If the Mitchell's could do it with 2 adults and 2 children, you will have a ball!

Envious! Envious! Envious! Envious!

NSW, 1168 posts
17 Mar 2016 6:12PM
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Its a great idea, but one has to DO it I took off and sailed around NZ for a year and a half a few years ago. It was great fun and experience. I lost my GF who abandoned ship during the voyage but too bad. The replacement ones better. Took up smoking and beer, now only do beer thankfully.

When I got back to my home sailing club in Oz nearly 2 years later the same sailors were sitting on the same stools in the bar still saying (very convincingly) what they were gunna do!!!

Go for it Steve.

Chris 249
NSW, 3427 posts
17 Mar 2016 8:30PM
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It's a great idea to go, Steve, but can I ask how often you've done something like a Trans-Tasman trip? Could you go overseas by heading up the east coast and then to the Solomons etc? The people I know who have gone to Tahiti from Sydney say there's not really much chance of getting favourable winds..... certainly I never seemed to get the fabled tradewinds between here and Noumea.

VIC, 5814 posts
17 Mar 2016 9:07PM
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andy59 said..
live the dream Steve you never know what might happen tommorrow

NSW, 908 posts
17 Mar 2016 11:33PM
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Chris 249 said..
It's a great idea to go, Steve, but can I ask how often you've done something like a Trans-Tasman trip? Could you go overseas by heading up the east coast and then to the Solomons etc? The people I know who have gone to Tahiti from Sydney say there's not really much chance of getting favourable winds..... certainly I never seemed to get the fabled tradewinds between here and Noumea.

That's fantastic Steve, and I was going to suggest this same thing. It's what I have in mind to do... sail up the East Coast first. I just did the first leg north yesterday... Coffs Harbour to Yamba... now I'm at work straining at the bit to be on my boat again. I'm addicted to being on her.

NSW, 701 posts
18 Mar 2016 12:28PM
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you are right, life is not a dress rehearsal

may the force be with you

we plan to do a similar thing in about 3 years

VIC, 234 posts
18 Mar 2016 1:34PM
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Life is too short
Standard line in sales pitches " due to health reasons"
dont leave it too late
invest in your health and hope to enjoy life
Once again its a compromise ,Recent grandparents , business has been fair , no debt , somewhere to return , weight for age could continue to save but realistically probably have enough
Time too to enjoy whats left
My compromise involves going to windward at 100 kms / hr as I still cannot justify keelboat and associated costs not to mention my partners comfort (not really a sailor)
so i understand sector steve's choice
hopefully we can all catch up somewhere sometime and share our experience

ps great clip hg just proves how old i have got

QLD, 2195 posts
19 Mar 2016 8:27AM
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only done the trip on a motoryacht twice. itd be from syd - auckland, then north to tonga.
its all about prep i guess. wouldnt be for a year. Nothings off the cards in terms of route. That might be the way to go Chris, but i really wanna sail nz. yeah the winds a bit wrong. might have to do some big tacks.
Tahiti is just so amazing...been before on the way to europe on the motor yacht. MOTORYACHT. really wanna spend some time there. makes sense to go north though Chris. I rode my motorbike down your way and the anchorages and coast line looks pretty special. Ill do some sea trials up and down the coast first. need to do alot to boat to set up for this. the tasman scares the hell out of me, but the reward is sailing in nz which i really wanna do. Its just awesome going down the coast to Auckland, and having a beer on arrival. Just from Cape reinga down to Auckland theres heaps to do. I really wanna explore the islands around auckland. kinda did it growing up, but theres alot ive not seen. Then theres coromandel...theres just alot over there! bit cold but oh well. my black hull will be a good thing then!

QLD, 2195 posts
19 Mar 2016 8:29AM
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Jessica Watson on risk taking :
"I think you need to appreciate that to do nothing is also risky, so youve got to put yourself out there"

QLD, 2195 posts
19 Mar 2016 8:33AM
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McNaughtical said..

Chris 249 said..
It's a great idea to go, Steve, but can I ask how often you've done something like a Trans-Tasman trip? Could you go overseas by heading up the east coast and then to the Solomons etc? The people I know who have gone to Tahiti from Sydney say there's not really much chance of getting favourable winds..... certainly I never seemed to get the fabled tradewinds between here and Noumea.

That's fantastic Steve, and I was going to suggest this same thing. It's what I have in mind to do... sail up the East Coast first. I just did the first leg north yesterday... Coffs Harbour to Yamba... now I'm at work straining at the bit to be on my boat again. I'm addicted to being on her.


QLD, 12351 posts
19 Mar 2016 12:39PM
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Sectorsteve said..
I really wanna explore the islands around auckland. kinda did it growing up, but theres alot ive not seen.

Then theres coromandel...theres just alot over there! bit cold but oh well. my black hull will be a good thing then!

The Hauraki Gulf and it's islands are a cruising paradise.

Coromandel.................All I can say si that Coromandel Green is the finest I have ever had.

QLD, 2195 posts
19 Mar 2016 8:29PM
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cisco said..

Sectorsteve said..
I really wanna explore the islands around auckland. kinda did it growing up, but theres alot ive not seen.

Then theres coromandel...theres just alot over there! bit cold but oh well. my black hull will be a good thing then!

The Hauraki Gulf and it's islands are a cruising paradise.

Coromandel.................All I can say si that Coromandel Green is the finest I have ever had.

Damn right Cisco. The cops used to pull the stuff up with helicopters dropping seeds everywhere...


Forums > Sailing General

"realising the possibility of extended cruising" started by Sectorsteve