Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

200m Flatwater sprints at ICF Thailand

Created by PeterP > 9 months ago, 16 Nov 2023
858 posts
16 Nov 2023 11:07PM
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Scroll forward to 1:01:00 - Flatwater 200m SUP foil exhibition race at the ICF SUP worlds in Thailand

Ollie's winning time on the foil was ca.42secs for the 200m - winner on the SUP did it in 50secs. Ollie's av. speed was 17.1 but that includes paddle up.

Checked my GPS, I've done it in 58secs on a 1600AK Plasma v2 - that's only 12.4km/h!

30secs = 24km/h av speed. How low do you think foils will go?

444 posts
17 Nov 2023 1:09AM
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Why are their paddles so long?!

5144 posts
17 Nov 2023 3:06PM
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Hdip said..
Why are their paddles so long?!

Because they are higher on the water, as the boards are thick.

Once the blade is in the water, the length is normal: upper hand no higher than the shoulder.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

"200m Flatwater sprints at ICF Thailand" started by PeterP