Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

Canard SUP/Surf foil video

Created by RAL INN > 9 months ago, 28 Mar 2018
SA, 2890 posts
28 Mar 2018 5:58PM
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first video in of Nicolas testing the SUP/Surf Spitfire

615 posts
29 Mar 2018 11:56AM
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Interesting to finally see the canard / spitfire foil in action. I am quite keen to see more about how this develops, as the concept makes sense to me, and I've been curious why no one is pursuing this for sup/surf. For kiting, I made my own spitfire copy out of G10 and I've been planning to do the same for a sup foil. Seems to me the canard is a good option, as it should allow for more lift with smaller wings. And if these dead flat wings work, then I am hopeful for a relatively inexpensive and doable DIY option, require just a sander, drill, G10, and some time and experimentation.

So, seeing they do work gives more incentive for pursuing the project. Though being brutally honest, seeing the ride, it looks like more refinement is needed. Seems like too much hopping, the wings aren't giving enough lift to give good gliding. Maybe they are not big enough? Hopefully it's not a limitation of the design. It may just be that day and how the video is edited -- expectations might be unreasonably high after so many "WOW" videos with epic waves and freakishly talented riders (no disrespect intended to Nicolas, as I'm sure he's well above average as a rider, certainly a lot better than me).

Anyways, I am really looking forward to seeing more.

SA, 2890 posts
29 Mar 2018 4:47PM
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Nicolas says he needs to work on his SUP skills

5135 posts
29 Mar 2018 3:19PM
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Gurval is a Canard adept here, and he even invented a "no tools" way to connect the foil to the board.

See his post in

And his site:

Note how his design solves the safety problem of the wing tips... (and reduce tip vortices)

Traditionally, Canard wings drawbacks are:
- the main wing can be in the wake of the front one, inducing inefficiency and turbulences.
- it can be unstable: the front stabilizer will amplify the rocking motions, whereas on the rear it will dampen them, like an arrow tail.
But Gurval seems to have overcome these issues in his designs.

QLD, 7046 posts
29 Mar 2018 5:30PM
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juandesooka said..
Interesting to finally see the canard / spitfire foil in action. I am quite keen to see more about how this develops, as the concept makes sense to me, and I've been curious why no one is pursuing this for sup/surf. For kiting, I made my own spitfire copy out of G10 and I've been planning to do the same for a sup foil. Seems to me the canard is a good option, as it should allow for more lift with smaller wings. And if these dead flat wings work, then I am hopeful for a relatively inexpensive and doable DIY option, require just a sander, drill, G10, and some time and experimentation.

So, seeing they do work gives more incentive for pursuing the project. Though being brutally honest, seeing the ride, it looks like more refinement is needed. Seems like too much hopping, the wings aren't giving enough lift to give good gliding. Maybe they are not big enough? Hopefully it's not a limitation of the design. It may just be that day and how the video is edited -- expectations might be unreasonably high after so many "WOW" videos with epic waves and freakishly talented riders (no disrespect intended to Nicolas, as I'm sure he's well above average as a rider, certainly a lot better than me).

Anyways, I am really looking forward to seeing more.

Yeah I agree it works but it lacks glide.

SA, 2890 posts
7 Apr 2018 9:39AM
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Some more pics.

SA, 2890 posts
10 Apr 2018 12:18PM
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Some video of Nicolas learning to surf.

SA, 2890 posts
24 May 2018 10:16AM
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They're ready in limited numbers

615 posts
24 May 2018 10:17AM
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Interesting. Do you know surface area of the wings?

SA, 2890 posts
24 May 2018 6:58PM
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juandesooka said..
Interesting. Do you know surface area of the wings?


1300cm2 total

SA, 2890 posts
21 Jun 2018 5:47AM
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Just to clarify and answer some questions.
the 1300cm2 is total wing area of both wings. Both provide lift.
This means that due to not having a wing that pushes down, the Spitfire is 30% more lift efficient.
so compare this with a normal foil with1690cm2 wing.

currently available with 60cm mast but 70cm will be back in stock end of June.

SA, 2890 posts
23 Jul 2018 10:31AM
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70cm masts back ready


Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

"Canard SUP/Surf foil video" started by RAL INN