Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

Cut down Axis Aluminum Mast?

Created by Johndesu > 9 months ago, 18 Jun 2023
NSW, 558 posts
18 Jun 2023 12:00PM
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Just wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to cut a red Axis Aluminum Mast and then just re insert / tap threads etc., does the solid aluminum go all the way thru the mast? with just the center that is hollow?;-) thanks:-)

120 posts
18 Jun 2023 10:16AM
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Can't speak to Axis. But a couple years ago I took bent aluminum Takuma and F-One masts to a friend who cut them below the bend and retapped them. Seemed to be no trouble for him. Those masts are still in service today.

QLD, 7046 posts
18 Jun 2023 7:49PM
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Yes you can how much do you want to cut off . If you end up cutting off the rubber inserts you can push them back out and try to press in to make waterproof again or just seal with Sika flex . Re tap the threads with a M8 . Cutting the top is generally easier .

NSW, 558 posts
18 Jun 2023 11:37PM
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Piros said..
Yes you can how much do you want to cut off . If you end up cutting off the rubber inserts you can push them back out and try to press in to make waterproof again or just seal with Sika flex . Re tap the threads with a M8 . Cutting the top is generally easier .

Yeah I thought so thanks Rob:-)

NSW, 262 posts
19 Sep 2023 1:04PM
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Yes you can.
I chopped 60mm and retapped and sealed.

WA, 25 posts
20 Sep 2023 4:16AM
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Has anyone successfully sealed the ali mast to base plate, or just the mast to prevent water getting in.. my 75cm is water tight, but just bought a 82 iand it's not. I'm happy to Permanently fuse it to base plate if that works? Any how to videos or old threads would be greatly appreciated!


Forums > Stand Up Paddle Foiling

"Cut down Axis Aluminum Mast?" started by Johndesu