Just back in Aus Friday from Fiji I only missed by a few days to take the Code 615s with me to Fiji . Dropped around to Marcus Tardrew's place yesterday and picked up the Code 615s . Went out this morning with my tow partner Mario we call ourselves the T-120 VD Tow team , both in our 60's & Victory or Death is our catch cry Conditions were really bad and the Bombie wasn't breaking properly off Southport so we ran down Straddie and found a Mid/Shore break to ourselves. Pretty gnarly conditions but man the 615s was just amazing we put ourselves in some pretty dangerous positions and that 615 just stuck like sh!t to a blanket on those vertical faces letting us pull through the close out lips. Super impressed and props to the Code crew. This will be my new tow wing I just loved it . Disclaimer I'm not a Code rider and I pay for my Code foils. Look for me at apx the 1.40min mark flicking out and almost taking out a bird.
Jonescb:- for its size it's still got amazing carry . I could pump connect with good wave speed exit but I doubt I could pump a lap on it at my 88 kegs. It has pretty descent lowish stall speed plus good lift on the start . You could also catch it on a breach it just didn't collapse . Definitely a contender for the light weight prone guys .
Hilly:- It's very different to the 720s , this is the smoothest and comfortable foil I've ridden on sucky faces , it's the closest surfing feeling I felt on a foil . I've got my order in for one . Had to give it back to Marcus yesterday. I reckon it would be killer on a windy ding day . Didn't get a chance to try it on the FD . I find I'm using the "S" Codes now a lot more then the "R's" just seems to suit me better with control .