What stance are people riding with? I have a more open, offset stance (front foot pointed forwards) and some friends have a square stance (ie feet parallel, straight across the stringer).
Is there consensus about the better placement? Or is it just user preference?
It's always going to be personal preference ,but I found that ended up quite offset without consciously meaning to be ,and I think for 2 reasons . Firstly to have more leverage to turn wider span foils and also to balance easier in the chop while waiting for a good bump and like you I-have my front foot angled facing forward which feels more natural when paddling up facing forward. I think once you get up and are comfortable you can narrow your stance for more efficient pumping and standing taller and more relaxed but you don't have as much control.
Thanks Kobo. I was wondering whether I'm making it harder than it needs to be (maybe square placement would be better for balance) but agree that an open stance feels more natural. I also think it gives you better pitch control as it's easier to move your hips over the balance point (forward to back rather than left to right). I'll stick with my open stance.
Look at what the pros like Casey and Zane are doing stance wise. Its offset with the feet running perpendicular and close together. I think your doing it right by the sounds of it. That is my preferred stance when you get settled in, sometimes need to shuffle forward the front foot to pump out of a hole.