I ordered the GoFoil GL 140 after hearing Dave Kalama and James Casey rave about it on the Progression Series Podcast (below). I was skeptical because the wing appeared too small. I couldn't be more thrilled with this new high aspect wing.
My local spot is Mavericks in Half Moon Bay, CA. What this means is that I have access to bigger surf than anywhere else. The trench that produces 50 foot waves on big days also delivers head high conditions when everything else is flat. When conditions are 12 ft @ 10 seconds the inside of Mavericks will be heaving 10 to 15 footers that no one else surfs because the waves jack and then fade too fast for conventional craft.
Last year I was trying to catch these inner waves but was having a hard time getting in early enough and keeping the wing down. Not anymore. The GL140 has changed all that. I can get in and my confidence has risen to the point where I am willing to take off on a 10 to 15 foot face under my own power aka big wave foiling with no jet ski. Fantastic stuff!!!!!
I have been filming but from my perspective it doesn't look big. From a distance it looks like this. These were shot at HIGH tide which means I am taking off in deep water aka NOTHING SMALL BREAKS HERE.
If you haven't listened to these Podcasts then you are missing out. These are great. The following episodes discuss the GL140:
The Progression Project - Dave Kalama Part 2
The Progression Project - James Casey 3
The Progression Project - Jason Tanglin GoTo 44:25 "That 140 was a game changer Alex did a good job on that."
PS: Piros has his own episode as well
The wing is fast. Last year there was a speed competition from Ocean Addicts.
An entire session on the GL140 would be among the fastest waves in the world. Every wave!
Maybe other brands are making wings like this that fly well, stay down and rip in the surf. For now this wing is GREAT!
The 27.9 MPH below translates to 44.9 KMH - The Fastest Wave Recorded in the World (un-assisted). This was just my second weekend of data on the wing. OMG!!!!!!
Link here: www.oceanaddicts.com.au/hydrofoiling-competition/
Last Year's Speed Results:
This guy was also riding the GL140. I suspect he is lighter than me (86 Kg). So IF I can paddle in and stay on my feet there should NOT be an upper limit to this wings ability to handle big waves.
NOTE: People were asking why he was crouching - IT WAS TO GO FASTER TO OUTRUN THE FRAGGING WAVE.
RAD. After hearing all these glowing reports, I am attempting to make a 140-homage ... if I can achieve even half of the benefits of the real thing, I'll be ahead I reckon.
x2 on the Progression Project. I have all of them downloaded on my phone and listen to them when driving. The stoke level on there is off the scale, I really enjoy having an hour with other people who are as stoked on this as I am. The only negative, they get me so hyped up and frantic to get on the water, that it verges on unhealthy. ;-) The other negative, I guess, is me obsessively sending links of key episodes to all my foiling and non-foiling friends, trying to get them to listen ...
Piros: aha, connection made! Really enjoyed his chat on there.
Yeew. The 140 is 100% my go to wing as well!
if anyone in AUS wants one I suggest you pre order as more will be landing soon but you need to jump on the list that's how popular they are.
Eddie O'Gata ripping on the GL140 in Medium and smaller waves. Although the opening scene is a nice overhead drop.
Today was smaller and a bit windy. But there are still ways to make small, 6 to 8 foot faces, exciting.
The GL140 was crushing it and my confidence continues to rise with this wing. I was out alone because everyone thought it was too windy, choppy . . .
I hit 23 mph / 37 kmh on this wave. I have crashed doing this takeoff between the rocks and it is very unpleasant. This was my first day testing the GoPro MAX. You can pause and look around. Objects are closer than they appear.
Interesting info Beasho, thanks for posting it.
Most interesting to me is Piros hitting 42.3 Kph on a Kai, and even the speed on the Iwa was pretty good.
Yesterday 11 feet at 14 seconds. Wind finally dropped. I paddled out at Sunset to Mavericks
Was feeling confident then I got CLIPPED!!!!! That shaved my confidence back a bit.
Took an hour and then caught this FLAMING BAZOOKA. Rode for 500 yards. OMG! OMG! OMG!
From the GoPro perspective anything that breaks the horizon is over my head ~ 6 feet. I am flying full tilt on a 2 foot mast. Call it the top 8 feet making the drop on what was minimum 15 foot face.
First to Fly Mavericks.
I was the last one out at Sunset. The second to last surfer was paddling in and I said "Hopefully I'll pass you on my way in." And I did.
You can pause and look around. GL140 on a 7' 4" Big Wave Gun Hah!
I've been using footstraps for 25 years. Windsurfing, now 2 years foiling. Never, ever had a problem getting out of the straps.
People love to talk about what COULD happen but most of them have ZERO experience with Footstraps. Think Laird, Kai, Kalamas, Robby Naish, Jason Polokaw, Derek Hama . . . When stuff goes wrong you kick out.
Yeah I'm dubious on my early speeds , cracking 40 kph is ridiculously fast. One thing we know for sure now is the Garmin & Ripcurl are very inaccurate plus when you get launched that's generally where you get your max speed from on the Garmin. The Apple watch is far more accurate and we have done plenty of test with wearing multiple watches at once and surfing side by comparing individual wave stats on the Apple. The Gyro in the Apple rarely records a freak speed no matter how hard you hit the water.
Since we have all switched to the Apple no one has cracked 40 kph. 37 , 38 is absolute max and we are on high and low aspect wings on 4-5 prone boards. The consistency in the figures on individual waves and tons of testing and comparison makes us believe the Apple is the most accurate. So my point is we are now measuring speed more accurately , we are not getting slower.
I agree with Piros, both my Rip Curl & Garmin were inaccurate but my Apple watch seems to be much more consistent with recording my speeds & distances...
The GoFoil GL140 is pretty well my go-to foil on both Sup & Prone especially in bigger surf....
I was clocking around the 38km mark on my 5'11 JL Flying V sup at a long lefthander not that long ago but unless it's a particularly long wave I'm surfing I don't even bother anymore...only downwinding...Apple have good apps for surfing, foiling, paddling & downwinding too..
Average speed is slow because it's a loooong paddle back out :)
Not cheap. It will be more accurate though. Or a hand held gps.
I also looked at comparisons between watches phones and cycling computers a while ago. The cycling computers were a lot more accurate. Easily download info into Strava or something to see tracks,avg speed etc.
Thanks Piros for weighing in on that, makes sense. When I look at that (fairly) recent video of Jame Casey foiling Uluwatu, that sure looks like a Kai front wing he's on (maybe a Nalu even)
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at the GL series and see they're more hydrodynamic though with significantly less anhedral. So Casey has access to the latest prototype gear yet here he's riding a "dinosaur". Handling?... Or as simple as that's all that was available?
I was hoping that Speed Puck would be good. BUT NO!
I have been using TRACE for 5 years. It recorded data 5 times per second. I know because I have ripped out more than 2 million data points from the device over the years. This is key to understanding takeoff speeds.
The Apple watch is my second go-to because the TRACE kept losing its battery, getting water in it or crashing. I would buy this device but at 1/2 lb it would weigh down the board AND the data coming in every 2 seconds might be good for an 8 hour sail but no good for us on waves.
I am using Dawn Patrol on the iWatch - LOVE IT. Any better recommendations out there. I would like to be able to download the data.
I wrote an article for Microsoft on data processing using my surf data as an example.
The good news is that the FASTEST you would need to go on a wave with a foil is ~ 35 mph or 56 kmh (maybe 40 but no evidence has been presented) .
I know because these were my fastest waves recorded at Mavericks. Big Waves. 30 to 40 feet. See photo below with data overlay. Next step would be maybe 100 feet. These would be speed on the drops.
There is a possibility that on an open ocean wave, going down the line you could get faster aka Laird at Nazarre BUT this is a good representation of max speeds.
See article here:
I am surprised about the speed puck. I know a few coaches that use them for dinghy coaching and swear by them. As you said with the 2 hz it should be more accurate.