Here's one from a few months ago that may be more related to your intended use;
I use the 110 regularly at 90Kg for winging in 3.5 and 2.8 conditions. Never tried the 120, just the 150hax as my 'light' wind setup, both with the 26 carve + extension (also a Marlin 14). I find the 110 carves tighter than the 150 but won't tolerate a hard snap off the top (sometimes). That said it's remarkably well behaved for it's glide and snapping turns is not what it's designed for. I'm always impressed how well it holds carving within waves. The Marlin 14 tail in the middle position of the long foil parts adapter calms the 110 down a bit in pitch but every time I go back to the 26 carve I'm generally happier (my particular style). The Marlin is more about straight line downwind performance. Looking forward to try the 20 carve tail shortly. The glide tails I'm not so interested in as the setup is already gliding far beyond my expectations. Feel like I have that covered with the Marlin. Top speeds aren't really significantly faster than the 150 for me but acceleration is noticeably quicker.