STC...interesting that you say the Nalu was was performance than the Style. I guess. Last will look at the volume and rails of the Style and think it was far more performance orientated than the Style.....surprises me too.
Ive had the 10x29 style on demo now for a few days and it rips ....
Its actually not far off the 8.10 speed when on the tail .. Feels like a much smaller board ..
Its not that light i thought it may have been lighter actually but goes hard at my break torquay ... Will be riding this majority of the time now i reckon
Yer i reckon its pretty close too 10kg with fines ... So i think That kinda heavy mid weight for a 10Ft yer ??
I think the Nalu Le round 8.8 so it says in there site ..
Also word of advice, i went for it on the nose yesterday on a tiny 1ft wave as it was bout too close out and got worked i reckon worst i ever have .. I think I've at least 1 cracked rib .. I must have buried the nose when it was clamping and got caught in front of the board i think i was in so much pain i had to come in ... Respect Nose riders .....
sorry to bring this up here again but i can't seem to stop myself from tooting the jimmy lewis bnb horn:
Sounded like a super fun board, suited to the surf we get around here, I've grabbed one, keen to get it wet
Deanrobi - glad to see you've got good taste in boards....a few pics of my 9'6 Style with iOn rail saver & hexa....what a sweet ride
PS - the lick of paint does make it approx the same weight as Creek's 10'
Had a couple of session on the Style over the weekend, this afternoon session was in some waist to shoulder high waves. Compared to my other nose riding board the Starboard Nose Rider (10' x 30") this board is so much easier to walk to the nose and stay there for what seemed like for ever.
For me it takes an extra paddle stroke or two to catch the wave than Im use too but once I'm on I'm away.
The rails are a lot thiner than the Starboard and I found this made the ride on the wave so much more fun.
Im using a Midget Farrelly 11" nose rider fin with no sides and it works a treat.
I did find it a bit to get to use with the thinner rails, some times I would learn to one side a little bit to much and once the rail is under water it takes that little longer than I'm use too to pop back up, nearly fell a few times.
Really light, again compared to the starboard. Really notice the difference walking on the beach as well as on the wave face.
So much fun, excited to give it another go tomorrow
IMO - at your weight, be patient & order the 9'6.
Granted, the 10' Style I owned was approx 3 years ago (I believe it's been tweaked since then) but I'm the same weight as you & I didn't really gel with the board.
My 9'6 Style was the best production nose-rider LB I've owned vs boards like the Laird Surfer / Nalu LE / Stylemaster etc. & the only reason I sold it was because I wanted a lower volume LB.
It's more stable vs the 8'5 Speeed (I realise they have the same volume but the extra length helps) / the board paddles as well (if not better) vs the 10' Style & it maintains it's momentum really well linking to inside sections.
The 2 small negatives are that the wide nose can be a hinderance if it's super windy (this also applies to the 10') + there is less nose rocker vs other production LB's (probably why it's a superior nose-rider) so you quickly learn to get your weight back on steeper take-offs.
Given you're already comfortable on the 8'5 Speeed, the only reason to consider the 10' is if you want to compete in a 10' LB division