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10' Sunova Style - nice on the nose

Created by supthecreek > 9 months ago, 23 Sep 2016
12 posts
28 Sep 2016 8:43PM
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Nice video, Supthecreek I will be interested in hearing your thoughts on the thruster setup.


1111 posts
29 Sep 2016 3:26AM
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STC...interesting that you say the Nalu was was performance than the Style. I guess. Last will look at the volume and rails of the Style and think it was far more performance orientated than the Style.....surprises me too.

NSW, 982 posts
29 Sep 2016 7:52AM
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CTS67 said..

ShireSUP said..

viatormundi said..
Great video!

I weigh 80 kg and have a 8'5 Speeed. Would love to get a Style as well. I guess 10' would be a better choice instead of 9'6 if I want to catch small waves, right?

I have a Nalu 11' which I like but it is a bit big. Has anybody tried both Nalu 11 and Style 10? Any big differences?

Yup, I now have only Sunova's and no Naish's...........
I have the 8'10 Speeed for bigger days, the 10' XL Style for point breaks and the 10'6 Surf for small days. I'm 102 kgs so me thinks the 9'6 Style would be more your size if you didn't need a 10' board. Am actually thinking of turning the 10' XL into a standard 10'er or a 9'5 Speeed........deliberating on that one, its only been a year no need to rush

SHire SUP, Just wondering why you would be considering a 9'5 Speeed when you seem to have it covered between the 10'XL and 10'6 Surf. Is your logic a 9'5 Speed would be an inbetween board that wopuld cover both of these ? Only asking as these boards are under consideration for small days for me.



Good question, I like the Speeed, I have surfed a 9'5 Speeed on a small day, and the extra volume works a little better. I bought the 10' XL which is way bigger than the 10' standard for point breaks, and its a little too big, so I sort of have a dilemma

a. Sell the XL and buy a 10'
b. Sell the XL and buy a 9'5
c. Keep the XL and buy a 9'5
d. Sell the XL buy a 10' and a 9'5

I am leaning towards d at the moment............

And yes up the (I couldn't live any more in central Cronulla but the blood flows red and green, but will be hoping for the win we have 6 or so people flying in for the weekend to go to the GF so it's gonna be a blue white and black house this weekend)

NSW, 982 posts
29 Sep 2016 7:54AM
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Slab said..
STC...interesting that you say the Nalu was was performance than the Style. I guess. Last will look at the volume and rails of the Style and think it was far more performance orientated than the Style.....surprises me too.

I disagree, the Nalu 10'6 (and we have had 2 in the family) is more all around and the 11' looks a better board but the Style is way more fun on anything - and tough, that was the undoing of the nalu for mine

1111 posts
29 Sep 2016 12:35PM
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Slab said..
STC...interesting that you say the Nalu was was performance than the Style. I guess. Last will look at the volume and rails of the Style and think it was far more performance orientated than the Style.....surprises me too.

Lol! Looks like iOS corrected my words for me again! Second sentence meant to say looking at the Style with low volume and thinner rails you would think the Style would be more performance orientated than the Nalu.

VIC, 183 posts
29 Sep 2016 5:38PM
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Ive had the 10x29 style on demo now for a few days and it rips ....

Its actually not far off the 8.10 speed when on the tail .. Feels like a much smaller board ..

Its not that light i thought it may have been lighter actually but goes hard at my break torquay ... Will be riding this majority of the time now i reckon

NSW, 826 posts
29 Sep 2016 6:38PM
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MickChard said...
Ive had the 10x29 style on demo now for a few days and it rips ....

Its actually not far off the 8.10 speed when on the tail .. Feels like a much smaller board ..

Its not that light i thought it may have been lighter actually but goes hard at my break torquay ... Will be riding this majority of the time now i reckon

How much does it weigh MC?

2680 posts
30 Sep 2016 12:38PM
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I weighed my 10' Style today

VIC, 183 posts
30 Sep 2016 4:53PM
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Yer i reckon its pretty close too 10kg with fines ... So i think That kinda heavy mid weight for a 10Ft yer ??

I think the Nalu Le round 8.8 so it says in there site ..

Also word of advice, i went for it on the nose yesterday on a tiny 1ft wave as it was bout too close out and got worked i reckon worst i ever have .. I think I've at least 1 cracked rib .. I must have buried the nose when it was clamping and got caught in front of the board i think i was in so much pain i had to come in ... Respect Nose riders .....

223 posts
30 Sep 2016 10:49PM
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sorry to bring this up here again but i can't seem to stop myself from tooting the jimmy lewis bnb horn:

i wish we surfed together more often, STC, because there's nothing like having someone bellow at you to KEEP GOING at moments when a brain tic is holding you back. at least, i know it'd be a huge help for me having you in the lineup. you're a true inspiration, dude!

QLD, 395 posts
1 Oct 2016 12:29PM
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viatormundi said..
Great video!

I weigh 80 kg and have a 8'5 Speeed. Would love to get a Style as well. I guess 10' would be a better choice instead of 9'6 if I want to catch small waves, right?

I have a Nalu 11' which I like but it is a bit big. Has anybody tried both Nalu 11 and Style 10? Any big differences?

Hi Mate,
I owned both the 11' Nalu and the 10'6" Style. I am about 84Kg, 53 YO, and have been surfing since 10 YO, longboards approx 20+ years.
I found they were both good in very small surf and fat surf. Where the extra floatation and glide was advantageous to catching waves. I could surf waves that didn't even break. But when the surf got bigger than about 1&1/2 foot, I found on the Style, when I went back to the tail to race a steep, fast section the nose would get out of control. It would lift out of the water and swing back and forth ridiculously. The Nalu was a better board for me, but for the most part was just too big for me. Both boards were too big for me. The Style may have been different with a heavier rider too. But this is just my experience and my own opinion.

I now own a 10' x 28&3/4", 129L Nalu LE. This is by far the best SUP I have ever owned or ridden. It is the closest emulation of a performance longboard I have had the pleasure to surf. In all conditions it is a winner. Nose rides fabulously even with the quads that I usually run in it. Surfs off the tail like a short board. I think I only owned the Style for maybe 3 months before I traded it in, it just did not work for me at all.
I have also just purchased a Fanatic Stubby as my short board, 8'2" X 29", 105L. No surf here since I picked it up, but I tried it at a demo day and liked it enough to buy it. Will probably write a review after some time in the water with it.

Any way hope that is of some help to you.

76 posts
1 Oct 2016 11:34AM
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KennyK said..
...when I went back to the tail to race a steep, fast section the nose would get out of control. It would lift out of the water and swing back and forth ridiculously.

Initially, I had that same problem on my Pearson Laird Surftech 10'6", which is also a pin tail noserider.
Whoa, on big steep waves where I stepped way back to get the nose up, the bow would swing wildly back and forth -
pretty much out of control.

I subsequently found a swept fin all the way back in the box solved that problem.
A big swept fin if single fin; not as much of an issue if using the side bites.
Still if steep, fin all the way back.

92 posts
3 Oct 2016 2:11AM
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KennyK said..

viatormundi said..
Great video!

I weigh 80 kg and have a 8'5 Speeed. Would love to get a Style as well. I guess 10' would be a better choice instead of 9'6 if I want to catch small waves, right?

I have a Nalu 11' which I like but it is a bit big. Has anybody tried both Nalu 11 and Style 10? Any big differences?

Hi Mate,
I owned both the 11' Nalu and the 10'6" Style. I am about 84Kg, 53 YO, and have been surfing since 10 YO, longboards approx 20+ years.
I found they were both good in very small surf and fat surf. Where the extra floatation and glide was advantageous to catching waves. I could surf waves that didn't even break. But when the surf got bigger than about 1&1/2 foot, I found on the Style, when I went back to the tail to race a steep, fast section the nose would get out of control. It would lift out of the water and swing back and forth ridiculously. The Nalu was a better board for me, but for the most part was just too big for me. Both boards were too big for me. The Style may have been different with a heavier rider too. But this is just my experience and my own opinion.

I now own a 10' x 28&3/4", 129L Nalu LE. This is by far the best SUP I have ever owned or ridden. It is the closest emulation of a performance longboard I have had the pleasure to surf. In all conditions it is a winner. Nose rides fabulously even with the quads that I usually run in it. Surfs off the tail like a short board. I think I only owned the Style for maybe 3 months before I traded it in, it just did not work for me at all.
I have also just purchased a Fanatic Stubby as my short board, 8'2" X 29", 105L. No surf here since I picked it up, but I tried it at a demo day and liked it enough to buy it. Will probably write a review after some time in the water with it.

Any way hope that is of some help to you.


thank you for your comments. I hear good things about 10 Nalu too. The 11 Nalu is big for me sometimes but is great board to paddle around and surf with my 6 and 8 years old sons. I will try to test the 10 or 9'6 Sunova when I travel to Marocco with Mauka Lodge. I am sure there is a 10 Nalu in Mallorca too, it would be great to test it too.

VIC, 641 posts
28 Oct 2016 8:34PM
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Sounded like a super fun board, suited to the surf we get around here, I've grabbed one, keen to get it wet

2680 posts
28 Oct 2016 8:56PM
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Dang, that looks nice!!!!!!

Hexa Traction for sure.... you don't want to cover that beauty up!

184 posts
29 Oct 2016 2:41AM
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386 posts
29 Oct 2016 5:51AM
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Deanrobi - glad to see you've got good taste in boards....a few pics of my 9'6 Style with iOn rail saver & hexa....what a sweet ride

PS - the lick of paint does make it approx the same weight as Creek's 10'

NSW, 7269 posts
29 Oct 2016 6:17PM
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I'll probably be looking at one of these when my Laird dies. Probably the 10'6

VIC, 641 posts
1 Nov 2016 6:15PM
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Had a couple of session on the Style over the weekend, this afternoon session was in some waist to shoulder high waves. Compared to my other nose riding board the Starboard Nose Rider (10' x 30") this board is so much easier to walk to the nose and stay there for what seemed like for ever.

For me it takes an extra paddle stroke or two to catch the wave than Im use too but once I'm on I'm away.

The rails are a lot thiner than the Starboard and I found this made the ride on the wave so much more fun.

Im using a Midget Farrelly 11" nose rider fin with no sides and it works a treat.

I did find it a bit to get to use with the thinner rails, some times I would learn to one side a little bit to much and once the rail is under water it takes that little longer than I'm use too to pop back up, nearly fell a few times.

Really light, again compared to the starboard. Really notice the difference walking on the beach as well as on the wave face.

So much fun, excited to give it another go tomorrow

Flying High
NSW, 217 posts
2 Nov 2016 9:51AM
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deanrobi said..
Had a couple of session on the Style over the weekend, this afternoon session was in some waist to shoulder high waves. Compared to my other nose riding board the Starboard Nose Rider (10' x 30") this board is so much easier to walk to the nose and stay there for what seemed like for ever.

For me it takes an extra paddle stroke or two to catch the wave than Im use too but once I'm on I'm away.

The rails are a lot thiner than the Starboard and I found this made the ride on the wave so much more fun.

Im using a Midget Farrelly 11" nose rider fin with no sides and it works a treat.

I did find it a bit to get to use with the thinner rails, some times I would learn to one side a little bit to much and once the rail is under water it takes that little longer than I'm use too to pop back up, nearly fell a few times.

Really light, again compared to the starboard. Really notice the difference walking on the beach as well as on the wave face.

So much fun, excited to give it another go tomorrow

Nice looking board, which size is it?

VIC, 641 posts
2 Nov 2016 8:43PM
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92 posts
15 Aug 2017 7:37PM
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SUPbru said..
x 2 what Creek says....I'm 82kg & I own both the 8'5 Speeed & 9'6 Style (I've previously owned a 10' Style...amongst other 10' boards) & I find the dims & volume of the 9'6 Style to be spot on. It's more stable vs my Speeed & it catches anything that my previous 10' boards would have. Cheers

Hi there,
I am going to order a Sunova Style this week and need to make a final decision between 10' vs 9'6. The 10' is in stock and 9'6 comes in a month or so.
I have the 8'5 Speeed for bigger days or active riding. Here in Mallorca we have smaller and weaker waves mostly therefore I was thinking about the 10' size for easy riding, catching even small waves etc.
But if 9'6 catches all that 10' can catch maybe I should order 9'6.
I weigh 82 kg without wetsuit.

386 posts
16 Aug 2017 2:25AM
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IMO - at your weight, be patient & order the 9'6.

Granted, the 10' Style I owned was approx 3 years ago (I believe it's been tweaked since then) but I'm the same weight as you & I didn't really gel with the board.

My 9'6 Style was the best production nose-rider LB I've owned vs boards like the Laird Surfer / Nalu LE / Stylemaster etc. & the only reason I sold it was because I wanted a lower volume LB.

It's more stable vs the 8'5 Speeed (I realise they have the same volume but the extra length helps) / the board paddles as well (if not better) vs the 10' Style & it maintains it's momentum really well linking to inside sections.

The 2 small negatives are that the wide nose can be a hinderance if it's super windy (this also applies to the 10') + there is less nose rocker vs other production LB's (probably why it's a superior nose-rider) so you quickly learn to get your weight back on steeper take-offs.

Given you're already comfortable on the 8'5 Speeed, the only reason to consider the 10' is if you want to compete in a 10' LB division

92 posts
16 Aug 2017 3:27AM
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Thx SUPbru,

I listen to your advice and change my order.

thx a lot


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"10' Sunova Style - nice on the nose" started by supthecreek