Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

125l Performance Sup Board Comparison- Acid vs. Super Tech vs. Prowave

Created by Jersey891 > 9 months ago, 27 Jun 2017
15 posts
27 Jun 2017 5:46AM
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Hi All-

Long time lurker needing some advice. i think i have done as much research as I can on my next board. This message board has been FANTASTIC.- so a thank you in advance. About me and about what i want:

Advanced Intermediate Sup Surfer
5'10 210lbs (96kg ish) lbs before wetsuit (Surfing all winter on the east coast of the US so add 4.5kg probably)

Will be for Winter Head High ++ Fast beachbreak sucky barelling waves- mostly with some chop or hard offshores - but always some wind. I also surf 90% on my backside because of swell direction. The waves are very fast. cutback usually only happen on the shoulder- especially when big.

I have Demo'ed the 9'1 Sunova Acid and liked it. 2 issues- Hate the liftsup Handle (doesnt work with Winter gloves) and unsure on the thruster tail. Square / Diamond tails have always worked best for me.

Also considering the 9'1 Super Tech and the 9'1 Prowave. I know these shapes appeal to me. Also know a demo isnt available anywhere near me for the Prowave or Supertech.

Strength to weight. I love light boards - but have snapped two (Rivieras) already this year. I want Carbon or Carbon sandwich type toughness- i think all 3 of these will be fine in that department- but why I'm asking.

This will be my highest volume board. at 125-129 Liters. My daily driver is an 8'2 31 surf shape at 119l. (seen below) I am comfortable on it in all but the most challenging conditions-

I have owned an 8'8 x 29- but with more volume at 123 and was also comfortable- (side note considering a 115l daily driver replacement for board below...thats for another post)

Anyone have first hand experience with these three boards- most specifically the 2017 Prowave (which just changed) or the larger Super Tech (read reviews only on the 8'8 and smaller) Or can compare contrast?

any and all advice is very much appreciated!

Screenshot just for fun :)

553 posts
27 Jun 2017 1:58PM
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Out of curiosity, why not consider the new starboard 9'0 pro? Should be about the same volume and made with performance in mind.
I've just picked up the 8'5 and loving it and this is coming off a 31" wide board. No where near as hard as I thought it would be in regard to stability and on the wave it feels fantastic

419 posts
27 Jun 2017 4:55PM
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Hi, I have the Sunova 8'10 x 30" 120L Acid and LOVE it. Had it for 18 months and it is a keeper and it is tough, hardly a scratch and I don't use rail tape! Check out my review:

15 posts
27 Jun 2017 10:54PM
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benjl said..
Out of curiosity, why not consider the new starboard 9'0 pro? Should be about the same volume and made with performance in mind.
I've just picked up the 8'5 and loving it and this is coming off a 31" wide board. No where near as hard as I thought it would be in regard to stability and on the wave it feels fantastic


Here in the states the Starboards are quite a bit more expensive than these three models above. I have had two starboards previously- and while I like the boards i had a warranty issue that they very much dropped the ball on- so I don't have too much more inclination to purchase their products new after that experience.

15 posts
27 Jun 2017 10:56PM
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Stev0 said..
Hi, I have the Sunova 8'10 x 30" 120L Acid and LOVE it. Had it for 18 months and it is a keeper and it is tough, hardly a scratch and I don't use rail tape! Check out my review:

Thanks Stev0! I had previously read your review and it was very well done. I specifically always like hearing about stability and people weights and conditions. Your review cemented that I should move to the 9'1 instead of the 8'10 (which is now 116l)

419 posts
28 Jun 2017 5:56PM
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Sweet. That review is 18 months old and I still have a love affair with the Acid. The LiftSUP Handle is great in my opinion and is the way to go. Had no issues with it and it's a simple and robust design that makes carrying easier.
The 9'1 will be a wave catching machine. I am often amazed at how efficient and easy the Acid catches all types of waves. I think the wide nose area combined with a single concave and thin rails really generates lift early.
Let us know how you get on with it...


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"125l Performance Sup Board Comparison- Acid vs. Super Tech vs. Prowave" started by Jersey891